Posted on September 15, 2023 National Hispanic Heritage Month: Gustavo Parajón
mage for National Hispanic Heritage Month of former IM missionary Gustavo Parajon

A new book can help you learn more about the life and legacy of former IM missionary Gustavo Parajón.

by former IM Global Consultant for Peace and Justice Dan Buttry

What International Ministries missionary was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, by Jimmy Carter, no less?  What IM missionary was at the global UN meeting that established a new model for community-based public health care which he pioneered along with a few other medical doctors around the world?  The answer to both is Gustavo Parajón.

Many American Baptists (and others) volunteer down in Nicaragua with AMOS Health and Hope, the ministry founded by Gustavo along with his son and daughter-in-law David and Laura Parajón.  Yet those committed volunteers may know little of how radical this model of public health work was when initially pioneered by Gustavo back in the 1960s with PROVADENIC, the Nicaraguan Baptist predecessor to AMOS.

If you’d like to learn more about Gustavo, his life and legacy, I’ve recently written a book with Dámaris Albuquerque about Gustavo, called Healing the World: Gustavo Parajón, Public Health and Peacemaking Pioneer. We share epic stories along with so much more of the life and ministry of this Baptist minister and missionary.  Based on many interviews of people from many countries, even the family and close friends of Dr. Parajón were surprised by some of the things they learned about him, because Gustavo didn’t toot his own horn.  He lifted up stories of Jesus and of people he worked with, but it took others telling their stories of Gustavo to draw together this amazing biography. All of the royalties for the book go to AMOS Health and Hope to continue Dr. Parajón’s vibrant legacy.


This book is available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook versions from all your favorite booksellers.