Posted on January 30, 2024 MPT Conveners Meet on a Zoom Call
MPT Conveners Meet on Zoom Call
Discipleship Discipleship

MPC’s Role to work with MPTs 

My role as the Mission Partnership Coordinator (MPC) at International Ministries (IM) is to work with Mission Partnership Teams (MPTs). The purpose of each MPT is to surround and support their global servant(s) with love and care. Team members are also called upon to utilize the particular skillset that they bring to their team. Each team member is special because they have been handpicked by their global servant(s). Raising support is no easy matter, and the MPT also helps in this matter.

Conveners of MPTS Meet on Zoom                                       

Recently, I met by Zoom with about 15 conveners of MPTs, an assistant convener and two global servants. Conveners are the chair of each MPT which consists of about 4-10 people. They are responsible to keep things going in the group. It is a real honor to work with each of these dedicated Conveners who have been called and commissioned to assist their global servant(s). I divided these folks into ‘Breakout Rooms’ on Zoom where they could share in smaller groups.  I asked them to share about what has been working or not working in their MPTS. One of the comments from the group was that they wished they could have had more time to share. 

Some Results of the Zoom Meeting                                                                                 

The group that I had at the meeting asked if they could share each other’s emails. I was so happy that they wanted to do that. There are some Conveners who have been doing their role for almost 20 years and others who are only just beginning their role. All of us need to learn from each other, and we should never feel alone in our roles. I am including a snapshot of some of the people who were on the Convener’s Zoom call.  We plan to meet at least twice per year as a group. And I hope to offer Webinars where we will ask special speakers to share on topics of interest to our MPTs.

Special Thanks to all MPT Volunteers                                                                 

I am looking forward to connecting individually with each MPT that supports our global servants. Thank you to each member of each MPT who is currently serving or who has served on an MPT. You are all valued by me, your global servants, all of us at International Ministries, and especially by God! God bless you for your service.

Please Pray for our MPT Volunteers 

Please pray for our MPTs! Their ministry is not an easy one.  MPT members give up their time to meet, pray and support their global servants.  It is a real commitment. Pray for our global servants who have been called to often very difficult places of service around the world.  Please pray for the family, friends, MPT, supporters, and partners of Global Servant The Rev. Madeline Flores-Lopez.  As many of you know Madeline recently passed unexpectantly on Dec. 18, 2023 following a brief illness while serving in the Dominican Republic. Our prayers go out to all of her family and friends. And finally, please pray for me for wisdom as I work with all of our MPTs and global servants.  Serving you in my role has been a real privilege.  Please contact me if I can be of any help to you. My email is:  My ph. is: 610-768-2210. 

We have planned our next Zoom meeting for June 11th at 8:30pmEST. This will be a time to share, learn and pray for each other.