Posted on October 27, 2020 More Than a Building
[pie chart]93%Support Pledged
[world map] Europe, the Middle East and Liberia Hungary push-pin Hungary

The church is more than a building. Jesus teaches a powerful truth when he washes the disciples’ feet. In John 13:15, he says, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” The church is a community of disciples who passionately want to share the love and hope of Christ.

We are thankful and excited that an increasing number of people are attending the English Bible study. We meet to study the Bible, worship, fellowship, and pray together every week. Yet, we are most excited about how this community is reaching out to impact the lives of other people. One of those ways is by helping Hungarian students practice English at the Talentum Elementary School. It is a great opportunity for mission and a perfect way for this growing Christian community to serve other people. 

One of our Bible study students expressed his enthusiasm for the opportunity by texting a message at 5:30 in the morning saying, “I am so excited for the chance to help today. I can’t sleep. I am ready to go!” We are so grateful for the opportunity to build bridges for mission here in Debrecen.  Thank you for your prayer and support that makes ministry like this possible.