Posted on March 1, 2023 Ministry in Qonce, South Africa January – February 2023
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Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa

Ministry in Qonce, South Africa

January – February 2023

Personal Space – Alive in Christ

Romans 6:8-11(NLT) And since we died with Christ, we know we will also live with Him. We are sure of this because Christ was raised from the dead and He will never die again. Death no longer has any power over Him. When He died, He died once to break the power of sin. But now that He lives, He lives to the Glory of God. So, you should also consider yourselves to be dead to the power of sin and alive to God through Christ Jesus.


Hello Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners:

I praise the Lord for all He is doing in me and through me during this new school year. It is a daily dying to self and waiting on the Lord. The day must be centered on Christ, if it is not, I become tired at the end of the day. I am alive in Christ as the scriptures in Romans 6:8-11 says, “to the Glory of God”.

The Lord gave me the title for this newsletter, but I had to live with this title until He gave me more understanding of what He wanted me to say to all of you. I had to learn some things before I could finish this newsletter.

We learned in cross-cultural training that every culture has their own personal space distance. The Covid-19 regulations have eased up in South Africa, so no one seems to practice social distancing any longer. I would move to the side of my trolly (shopping basket) to have some distance/ personal space from the next person when I am in the checkout line at the market. At times I felt that my personal space was being violated when a person would stand behind me. So, I would just step to the side of the cart to give myself some room from the person behind me. The Lord then taught me a lesson on personal space.

I got sick recently and my friends came into my so-called “personal space”. My friends had to help me take a bath, put on my clothes, and help me to my car. I was truly humbled. The sins, that God is letting me see me very independent nature and the judging others. I am so truly grateful for my friends who are around me teaching me this lesson on personal space. God taught me what He calls “personal space” for His children who are alive in Christ. God let me know that my personal space is His space. In His space I see the agape love shining through to reach the heart and soul of my learners. In His space I accept the love and the caring of friends and family in my new community. In His space I am not rude to the persons in the market by moving away from them. What lessons to learn starting year three of the ministry in South Africa.

I am alive only in Christ. I must remain a humble servant being led by the Holy Spirit. Philippians 2:5-7 says, “You must have the same attitude that Christ had. Though He was God, He did not think of equality with God as something to cling to. Instead, He gave up His divine privileges; He took the humble position of a slave and was born a human being.” God continually shows me how to live out His call on my life. Praise the LORD!!!!

Ministry Highlights:

The new school year for Teleios Christian School started on January 16, 2023 for teachers and on January 18, 2023 for the learners. It is a blessing to work alongside more of the teachers in the classroom this year. I get to help the students in the classroom during the school day as well as after school.

2023 Faculty of Teleios Christian School


One of the goals of Teleios principal, Pastor Reuben Ihlenfeldt, for the 2023 school year, is for the children to read more books. I had forgotten that Teleios had a school library. I thought the library was just the copier room. Fezeka Tukuta and I spent the first week of school cleaning the Teleios’ School library and organizing the books. Fezeka then started holding her reading classes in the school library. Fezeka, along with the classroom teachers, will challenge the learners to read more books. The school library is filled with so many reading books for every grade level . A class could read a specific book because there are enough copies for a class of students. If you remember my tutoring classes are also in a library. It is in the library of Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church.

Fezeka Tukuta in Teleios School Library

On January 27, 2023, we had the first assembly of the new school year. The Prefects for 2023 were introduced. The school teaching staff, Vice Principal and Principal of Teleios elect the school prefects for the year.

                                                              Teleios Christian School – Prefects for 2023

I celebrated my birthday with a beach run on Saturday, January 28, 2023. Talked with my family in the US on January 30, 2023. I thank God for giving me another year of life and good health so that I can continue to run the course that is set before me.

Birthday Run January 2023

On February 2, 2023, Pastor Zani and I visited a high school in Ginsberg called Forbes Grant Senior Secondary School. This was the first village school visitation for 2023 school year.

I do struggle to stay on the alter daily, but the Holy Spirt reminds me daily that He is my guide. I can’t do anything for Christ without the power of the Holy Spirit. I am alive in Christ because He lives in me.

Special Prayer Request: The faculty of Teleios Christian School really are in need of Special Education Teacher training. If you are interested in doing some training modules, please pray and ask God to show you how you can help. Please email me if you are interested.

Praise Report:

Prayer Requests:


“Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela.” (Thank you very much, I am grateful.)

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

Qonce, South Africa

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