Posted on May 26, 2023 Mike Mann and Coffee Ministry Featured in Nikkei Asia’s Article

Mike Mann and Coffee Ministry Featured in Nikkei Asia’s Article

Benjamin Chan

May 26, 2023


Becky and Mann Mann serve in Thailand with hill tribe villagers who are living below the poverty line. As an International Ministries Global Consultant for rural development based in northern Thailand, Mike serves as Director of the Integrated Tribal Development Foundation where he and Becky assist hill tribe people and tribal farmers with clean water, sanitation, agriculture, education, health, and cash crops. Becky works with Hands to Heart Hill Tribe Women’s Cooperative and Lanna Foundation. She also helps to market Thai coffee.

Mike and their coffee ministry were recently featured in the Nikkei Asia’s article: “Thailand adds quality coffee to its export menu”. Gwen Robinson, editor-at-large of Nikkei Asia, explains that “The country’s adoption of a recognizable coffee culture came in the 1970s when the late King Bhumipol Adulyadej successfully promoted projects to replace opium fields in Thailand’s north with marketable crops. One of the king’s key lieutenants was Richard Mann, a lanky American agriculture expert who remains a legend among the hill tribes for introducing coffee and other crops which dramatically changed their lives. ‘Working on coffee you get a family out of poverty in six years,’ says Michael Mann, who has followed in his father’s footsteps. Also helping Neet and his family pulp coffee cherries one recent winter morning was 34-year-old Richard, the third generation of Manns dedicated to improving hill tribe lives.”

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