Posted on December 1, 2017 Maudeline’s Story
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Maudeline in her nurse uniform.

Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. We wrote about Maudeline in November 7, 2012.  Maudeline graduated last year with her degree in nursing. According to the testimonies from her classmates, Maudeline was born a nurse by nature.  She started delivering babies the first year when they have not even yet taken classes on baby delivery. In all the hospitals and clinics where the students of her class went for their internship, Maudeline was the hit of patients and staff. She performed as a professional nurse and many classmates looked to her for advice. Everybody loved Maudeline.  She was promised jobs before her graduation.

After graduation, Maudeline  was hired  by a private organization to work in their clinic in Jacmel, a city in southern Haiti. A couple of months, she was called to join her fiancé in Chile. She is now learning Spanish. While in that Spanish class, her professors have recommended her to work in a pharmaceutical company.

Maudeline has been very active in her Haitian church in Santiago, the capital city of Chile. Her wedding is set for December 17 and would like one of us ( Manmie Kihomi or Nzunga) to attend (wish we had the money) as a proof of being the channel God has used to transform her life.

This is the glory of those of you who support without doubting if your money is being wisely used.

Yours in Haiti,


Kihomi & Nzunga

Dear Friends,

If you don’t remember, Nzunga wrote about Maudeline November 2012.  She was one of 8 children in a very remote and poor village.  Her mother was murdered when she was 13 and a hard life got harder. Her father was nonexistent.  She lost a sibling in the earthquake. She however soldiered on by selling fruits and vegetables on the streets in the morning and going to school in the afternoon.  She dreamed of becoming a nurse.  She was the only one of her siblings to not only go to school but to graduate from high school, a rare event for a girl in Haiti.  Kihomi had been encouraging her and helping with the costs all this time.   The above journal is the wonderful outcome.  All made possible because you support their ministry.  Thank You.


In His name,


Dennis Shewell

Mission Partnership Team Communications Advocate and Convener

Nzunga and Kihomi Ministry


Phone: 812-569-1352


Other team Members:

Les Roberson

Diana Peysha

Terry Bivens-Fry

Charles Newman