Posted on August 22, 2024 Matos Summer of Community
[pie chart]98%Support Pledged

A Summer of Community

Can you believe it is almost September? You may remember in the beginning of the summer we asked you to join us every Monday for Matos Mondays! It has been fun interacting with many of you in our support network over the summer when you comment on our Matos Mondays. In case you are not following along on social media, we want to let you all know that God is answering our prayers and opening doors for our departure to Oaxaca, Mexico! We know that it is by God’s grace and providence and the generosity of our community that we have climbed almost 20% of our ongoing pledge support! HOW AMAZING!!!  We are now at 85%. We give praise to God as we continue to grow our network of partnered churches and individuals. You are our community and we are glad we can journey with God together.

For those of you who are not aware of Matos Mondays, it is a time of dedicated prayer for the us and our ministry partners every Monday. We post a short video on our Facebook and Instagram page, where we give updates and prayer requests. And we ask that our support network takes a few minutes out of their day to intentionally pray for our family. We also ask in that prayer you ask the Lord if there is any person or group that he is calling you to share our journey with.

IM Community

Enjoying fellowship around the table.

Our little IMMK ready for the day!

IM Board President, Jorge bringing a message of being united in Christ.

During worship we were invited to add our names to this tapestry of love.

In July we traveled to Colorado for an All Staff Gathering. It was the third time in 210 years of International Ministries existence when all Global Servants and Staff gathered together in one place. It was our first All Staff Gathering and we had a terrific time! The theme was “woven together” and it was an amazing time where we got to meet and collaborate with our colleagues from all over the world. We discerned together around tables through prayer, worship, and conversation the future of International Ministries and global mission.

God has gifted us a community and for that we are grateful. God has woven this great tapestry of people united in Christ and in mission. We have you, we have our IM colleagues and staff, and we have the Holy Spirit guiding our steps. Thank you for being a part of our community!

We enjoyed connecting with a few churches during our time out in Colorado.

What’s Next?

Over the next 8 weeks we will be on the road traveling and connecting with partner churches, new churches, and attending many American Baptist Annual Gatherings. Our prayer is to reach our fundraising goal by the end of November in order to begin the process with IM to be assigned to Mexico! Once we have that in place we will be given the green light to purchase tickets. We can’t wait to let you know when this happens!!

Thank you for all your prayers and support. They help sustain us during this pre-assignment journey. Please use any of the links below to share with any individuals or groups that would also be interested in supporting what God is doing in Oaxaca, Mexico.


Prayer requests