December 30, 2017 Making All Things New in 2018
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Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.”-Isaiah 43:19

“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5

As we look forward to ushering in the New Year, I offer you this poetic play on this text that has been inhabiting my soul lately.

Thank you for partnering with me in the ministry of sacred healing creativity that God has called us into.

May significant peace and grace be present to you in these next days, weeks and year.



Behold I make all things new.

BEHOLD I make all things new.

BEhold I make all things new.

BeHOLD I make all things new.

Behold I make all things new.

Behold I MAKE all things new.

Behold I make ALL things new.

Behold I make all THINGS new.

Behold I make all things NEW.



appreciate, apprehend, assimilate, comprehend, catch, catch onto, conceive,

decipher, descry, dig, discern, distinguish, eye, get, grasp, intuit, know, look at, make out, make note of, note, notice, observe, perceive, recognize, regard, register, remark,

see, seize, sense, sight, spot, spy, understand,

view, and witness

Be still

     Be present

         Be quiet

              Be kind

                   Be you


Hold on

      Hold up

             Hold onto

                   Hold tight

                         Hold loosely

                                 Hold hands

                                       Hold your head up

                                            Hold these things in your heart

                                                   Hold onto hope

I, the Lord God, maker of heaven and earth


To Make sense

                Make do

                           Make up

                                   Make over

                                   Make out

                           Make from scratch

                Make heads or tails out of it

        Make real

                Make again

                          Make all

                                   Make all things

                                            Make all things new

All in

      All out

            All or nothing

                  All is everything

                       All is everyone

                            All  is all you are

Things can be: people, places or objects

an act, ambition or adventure

beings, bodies or broken

character, consequences, or creations

gifts or genius given

handiwork, a happening or hope

specialties, substances, or stories

made of matter and meaning

What’s new?

New fangled, brand new, as good as new, better than new, a whole new ball game,

                        New clothes, new shoes, a new deal, the new kid on the block, a new day,

Out with the old and in with the new, a new wrinkle, a brave new world, a new paradigm, a new start.

The New Year is here to turn over a new leaf, to get a new lease on life, to find new hope.

Who knew?













DescriptionMYLINDA is a pastoral artist and trainer serving as a global consultant for training through restorative arts. She partners with IM colleagues, national church leadership and social change organizations to seek justice, healing and transformation through restorative art and creative expression. Compelled by Jesus’ prayer that the kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, Mylinda creates spaces where servant leaders and those who do the hard work of rescue, relief and restoration can be nurtured and renewed. As sinner and saint, she sees beauty in broken places, wonder in wounded people and life in loving God and others.