Living Through the Pandemic and the World in Chaos – Reflections Behind my Gentle Smile
Benjamin Chan
February 26, 2022
- Honesty let God tell me what I am experiencing and feeling from my body and emotion, and via family members and friends, and “Yes, God, I am in trauma!”
- Boldly ask God to teach me how to live and serve as I am actually weak, tired, need help, and confess “I do not have an answer.”
- Angrily tell God that I do not like the bad, which happens to me and others. Very likely there is sin and injustice behind the bad, and “God, you are angry too, right?”
- Constantly focus on God’s focus on the marginalized and underserved. No, I do not know God and I am not following Jesus if I do not do the best to understand and journey with them. No, they are not my clients and means to raise funds.