Hello from Accra, Ghana Friends!
Your commitment to this ministry remains vital!
During this time of uncertainty God’s Hand is always steady!
“Summer’s End/Fall” Video Update from the field!:)
Thank You for Your Support!
Your Global Servant to Ghana, West Africa
- That online services for Girl Grads (BVTC Alumni)/After-Care Program continues to be fruitful until in-person programming can resume
- The NEW eCounseling (virtual) Program reaches girls in need of feeling God’s love and care!
- The Girl Grads and I stay under “God’s wings” safe and protected
- The well-being and safety of the Ghanaian people and expatriate community as the number of infected Corona virus cases continue to rise and partial lock down (borders and airports remain closed, limit on public gatherings).
Want additional information and Ministry overview? Check out my Blog page at:
https://www.rovaughnarichardson.com/blog or
- Volunteer from where you are! Please go to “Contact Us” at www.RovaughnaRichardson.com
- Keep spreading the word for the need of Advocacy, Support & Prayers; both tangible and intangible.
- “Like” https://web.facebook.com/questtohealvictimsoftrokosi
- GIVE Tax-Deductible Gift denoting by:
- Phone 1-800-ABC-3USA, ext. 2324 for: “Rovaughna Richardson-Specifics”
- Check – Memo line “Rovaughna Richardson-Specifics” to International Ministries, 1003 W. 9th Ave. Suite A., King of Prussia, PA 19406-1210
or click “Donate” at: www.RovaughnaRichardson.com (you will be navigated to my IM page). Note: “Rovaughna Richardson-Specifics”
Jeremiah 29:11