When was the last time you heard a piece of really good news? The kind that lifts your spirits and renews your sense of hope? Read on for just such a story.
Eleven people sat around folding tables in a small church Ann recently visited in a rural community of southwestern Cambodia. In the group were young adults, a couple of teenagers, two children, and some older adults. They had come together to study the Bible and talk about how to apply God’s word to their daily lives.
This church is participating in a ‘theological education by extension’ (TEE) project we have been working on with the Cambodian Baptist Union for the last two years. We are delighted that the program has grown to 8 groups of 10-12 people in 2 provinces. The goal is to expand to other provinces this next year.
The group leader, a remarkable woman pastor, skillfully led the group through discussion and application questions. At one point, she paused and spoke to those of us who were observing. “We have been talking about how to invite others to meet Jesus in our communities. These two young people (pointing to the two youngest members of the group) already have their own congregations. This boy is 12. He has brought 21 people to Jesus. The girl next to him has a congregation of about 40 – she is 13 years old.” What incredible young people! Praise God!
Young people are “the leaders of today,” not just “the leaders of tomorrow”! (above: teen girl teaching; below: boy with a group he leads)
We’re sure the young people in your church are also doing some amazing things. Do you see God using them in surprising ways? We’d love to hear your stories.
Thank you for supporting us, our ministry, and the excellent work of our partners and International Ministries colleagues. You are on this journey with us: we couldn’t do what we do without your partnership.
Ann and Bruce
These young people and many others in the Asia-Pacific region who share the good news of Jesus in unfriendly situations.