Posted on March 9, 2020 Kihomi’s Nurse Scholarship and Mentoring program
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Dear Loved Ones,


Greeting.  This Sunday March 8, 2020 is a big day in the life of our ministry in Haiti and specially in the life of Jean Madevanie who graduated from a four year nursing program at Antenor Firmin University in Cap-Haitian.  16 students from the laboratory tech. and 40 from nursing programs were the happiest graduates in a ceremony that started at 12 PM and lasted until after 3 PM. Choirs and speeches kept us all awake and on our toes.


Since Mamie Kihomi initiated the program of sponsoring and mentoring nursing students, this program has been very effective in promoting young girls to get headway. Beside two girls who are now working in Chili, all of them are working hard in their field and supporting themselves and their families. In short, they are independent women.


Without your love, your prayers, and your support, this   program would not produce the beneficial fruits the society and the world are now enjoying.


In Haiti,


Nzunga & Kihomi


This has been a successful program to meet a need in Haiti for skilled nursing care and a way to elevate women in a society that does not always value them.  If you would like to contribute to their nursing scholarship program you may.  Just put Kihomi nursing scholarship on the memo line of the check or the free writing space on the on-line giving space.




Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate