Posted on December 25, 2020 Joy to the World
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“That says ‘Joy to the World’ in my language!” exclaimed one of our English Bible study members as he stretched to place a Christmas ornament at the top of the tree.  This young seeker was delighted to see a proclamation of the Christmas message in his native language. 

This year we were asked to put up Christmas decorations for the Debrecen Baptist Church. This was a wonderful opportunity to invite people from all over the world to create a Christmas ornament that says “Joy to the World.” At the end of the project, over 10 languages were represented on the church Christmas tree. It is a beautiful expression of Jesus being the ultimate joy for the world. We rejoice that those who are curious about Christianity are now able to see the message written in their native language.

Christ is at work in powerful ways and we are grateful to be a part of it. Thank you for your financial and prayer support that allows us to serve Christ here in Debrecen. 

We wish you a very blessed Christmas and that you will experience that Jesus is joy to the world!

Yours in Christ,

Jon and Amanda