Posted on April 27, 2020 Joy and Miracles in Our Midst
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Amani, the young man on the right is one of our Sunday School teachers.  He shared recently during a time of prayer that he wanted his mother to be able to walk again.   “What happened?” I asked.    “At Christmas”, he said, “my mother was walking along the side of the road to visit a friend when she was struck from behind by a motorcyclist, who fled the scene, leaving her on the ground”.

As they had no money for her to be seen, he carried her home where she has been bedridden for four months, unable to even stand …and praying for a miracle.   Amani humbly asked if we could help them with the money needed for an x-ray.  “Of course!” I said.  Sadly, the x-ray revealed a broken hip (neck of the femur, Bill tells me) and all her doctors could offer was pain relief unless they could afford a wheelchair: she would never walk again they told her.  Not so, I thought!

We brought her to Heal Africa, which specializes in orthopedic surgery. With donations from those of you in the U.S., we were able to provide $1,500 to buy an artificial hip.  On Good Friday, the doctors replaced her hip. Easter morning, I found Venancie up and walking with the aid of a walker.  Two days later, she returned home.

To Amani’s mother who is now walking, this was a true miracle.   To Bill and me, the daily miracles in this part of the world are prayers lifted and prayers answered.  We are so blessed to be in the middle, and thankful for every day we can be here!