Posted on July 4, 2019 If You Build It, They Will Come!
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We have recently completed three Sunday School classrooms and toilet facilities for the children of Goma who come to HEAL Africa on Sunday mornings to hear about the One who loves them.

What a joy it is to see their expectant faces as they listen to the word of God, memorize verses, and partake of the warm cup of milk and piece of bread they receive at the end of the morning.

In Goma, school break has arrived, but there is no time off. We have planned an intensive training for the 30 Sunday School teachers… protecting children, helping child victims of trauma, studying and planning lessons from the Bible and lastly, an Ebola preparedness session. We also are planning weekly Bible studies based on people from the Bible and also hope to develop a music camp to find talented young people to learn keyboard, trumpet and trombone.

Lastly, we are getting ready to start building two more Sunday School classrooms since, with about 500 children in regular attendance, we are full to overflowing.


Bill continues working full time with the Ebola crisis based in Beni, about 250 miles to the north of Goma. He sends his greetings.   Thank you so much for your support, your love, and your prayers for our work in DRC!