Posted on July 25, 2023 I Love What God Is Doing in Our Midst
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Let me introduce you to some of the ladies in our fellowship here in Goma. Each one of them makes sure their children faithfully attend Sunday school and learn the word of God. They are work hard to support their families… and yet they consider the needs of others and have passed on their skills.

Regine Kahambu is the mother of Arlette (who comes to Sunday school faithfully with her little sister despite a deformed leg and brace.) Solange Sakina is a widow with 3 children in Sunday school. Her husband was a pastor (he died in 2021.) She teaches other mothers of Sunday school children to crochet.  Christine Hangi has 4 children in Sunday school. These three women are members of our group of 200+ parents of Sunday school children. They support each other in developing small businesses.

Once Regine, Solange and Christine mentioned that they love to crochet… and I happened to have a few skeins of yarn and crochet hooks (generous donations we received in the US). They began meeting together every Tuesday, spending the morning crocheting and teaching others who were interested. They fellowship and laugh together as they work. The EBA (homeless children’s) program needed washcloths, so they knitted 50 washcloth mitts for each of the children.

I love what God is doing in Goma … and the committed colleagues such as these women. They have little but find joy in fellowship and in being able to find ways to help others!

Proverbs 31:20-21 She reaches out to the needy; she stretches out her hands to the poor. She doesn’t fear for her household when it snows, because they are all dressed in warm clothes.w