Posted on September 3, 2020 Hungarian Quarantine
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We have arrived safely in Hungary, and after a week we have been released from quarantine.

THe Hungarian government allowed Americans in August, with a mandatory two-week quarantine unless we had two negative PCR COVID tests no more than five days before entering the country. We had the result from the first test before we travelled; it was comforting to know that we didn’t have it. We had our temperature checked in Istanbul, Turkey and again in Budapest. We wore masks the whole time except when eating or drinking. Everything was very clean.

At customs and immigration the airport in Budapest, we were given a big red sign to put on our residence that said no one could leave and no one could enter! The police came by and checked on us daily, and wouldn’t leave until all five of us waved from the porch. Quarantine here is a serious thing.

We got the second test result back Monday, and were finally approved to leave quarantine this morning. The health department didn’t give us the official permission to leave until we emailed the results of both tests.

As frustrating as it was to be stuck in the house, it was great to be home. Our friends and neighbors brought us food and treats as we waited out the quarantine, passing packages over the gate and greeting us with love.

Please pray for us now, as we get ready for school. The Hungarian schools have opened normally, with social distancing and extra sanitizing. We’ll tell you all about it next week!