Posted on September 6, 2024 How to Pray for Missionary Kids
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Missionary Kids (“MKs”) live extraordinary, stressful, blessed, and challenging lives. And though they may be living in another part of the world, they are still kids, with the same basic needs as all kids – with a few extras thrown in. Here are some of the ways that you can pray for our MKs:

Pray that they will love and trust Jesus. Just because their parents are missionaries, that doesn’t automatically mean that MKs have a personal relationship with Jesus! Just like other kids, they are growing and learning about Jesus, and watching to see how God may be at work around them. Pray that they will learn to love Jesus for Who He is and what He has done for them, and not just because their parents do. Pray that they grow in faith.

Pray for their relationships with others. Pray that our MKs will have honest and joyful relationships with their parents; close friendships between siblings; meaningful relationships with other Christian adults; and good friendships locally, as well as lasting friendships with others around the world. Pray, too, that they would interact well with the people in their host culture.

Pray for cultural adjustment. Living cross-culturally is a blessing, but it’s not without its difficulties. Pray that MKs would find good balance in their host culture – being able to assimilate and accept what is good in their new culture, as well as having the wisdom to identify worldviews that collide with truth. Pray that they will feel accepted where they live; that they will cope well when they feel “different;” and that they will appreciate their unique experiences.

Pray for language acquisition. Not understanding what people around you are saying can be confusing and stressful, and it can be hard to make friends if you don’t understand the language. Pray for patience, quick learning, and for language not to be a barrier.

Pray for their daily life in their new country. Pray for their schooling, and that they would be well-prepared educationally to make the transition to college. Pray that they would have times of fun and respite and enjoy new experiences in their host country. Pray that the family would find a good balance between ministry and family time.

Pray for their families that are left behind in the U.S. Pray that, in spite of the distance, MKs would be able to maintain good relationships with families overseas and pray for the family that misses them.

Pray for times of transition and goodbyes. MKs often have to cope with constant change and goodbyes, as they move from place to place or as others around them leave. Pray that our MKs would be emotionally healthy; that they would be able to say goodbye well and deal with the grief that comes from the loss of friends, family, and places and things they love. Pray that they will adapt well when they have to spend time back in the U.S. after a period of living overseas (whether returning for deputation or for college). Pray that they would trust God through their times of transition.