Posted on December 3, 2019 Headed to El Salvador!
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This is a quick update to let you know that today Eliberto and I head to El Salvador for a two week trip! We are looking forward to time with the leaders of MVP, our volunteers, and of course, our family.

Since the beginnings of MVP, we prioritize a special end-of-the-year celebration with our volunteers, school principles, pastors, and other local partners in El Salvador. We call it our “Gala Dinner.” Since MVP depends on such a great body of volunteers, we take this time to celebrate them and reflect on how God has brought about peace and transformation through the work of MVP throughout the year. While 2019 has been a challenging year in many aspects, we are grateful that this Friday we will celebrate yet another Gala Dinner with our amazing MVP family in El Salvador. We ask for your prayers for a great celebration, for time to share with and encourage our local leaders for the new year of ministry in 2020, and for relaxing time with family.

Here are a few pictures from our Gala Dinners over the last 3 years.


We look forward to sharing more from our trip upon return, and invite you to celebrate with us in spirit this Friday night! Thank you for journeying with us on this path towards peace and hope for the future generation.

Peace to you!
