Posted on April 7, 2021 He Has Done It.
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Life can sometimes feel like we’re waiting for the next big thing over the horizon. Like if God would just get to work on our list of prayer concerns, then we would arrive at a place of ultimate contentment and peace.  

We long to find ourselves in this perfect place where it seems all our prayers have been answered and we are left wanting nothing, with only our lips filled with praise of God’s goodness. But, what happens when we see no evidence of His hand at work and all we see is chaos and destruction with seemingly no end in sight.  

We are walking through some challenging times, with so much uncertainty around every corner. If we are being honest with one another, it has become increasingly easy for us to just fall into a state of despair and cover our heads with a blanket—what an alluring and equally entrapping place to be. 

Consider this…

The thought occurred to me: what if we didn’t have to wait for this ushering in of peace and contentment—what if it was much easier than we are making it? If God’s promises are true and His word is solid and unchanging, then when He says, “in this world, you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world!” (John 16:33), we can believe this to not only be true, but He has already done just that. He didn’t say he will or that he’ll get around to it next Friday: He means He has already done it!  

Stop for a moment (with me) and let those words sink in fully into all those unfinished areas that you just wish God would speed up on.  

It truly boggles my mind (and I’m sure I’m not alone) that God doesn’t operate on the same timeline as we do.  

Here’s the truth…

2 Peter 3:8 says, “But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and thousand years as one day.” God sees yesterday, today, and tomorrow in just one glance. He is “Alpha and Omega”—”who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” 2 Peter 5:7  

When we read His word it is easy to read it from a human perspective and forget that God transcends our way of thinking and He isn’t limited by time constraints or any other hurdles, such as environmental issues or even a global health pandemic.

“Nothing in all of creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Hebrews 4:13

He isn’t surprised by the state of our world or what hopeless state of uncertainty we find ourselves in. It is all a part of His plan. He has already seen the future and knows how the story will end—ours included.  

Now, I don’t know about you, but that provides me with some comfort. I’m thankful that God has offered us a glimpse into His victorious ending. Most authors make you wait till the very end to find out and some are so bold as to wait for the sequel to be released! (I know this for a fact—my husband happens to be an author) This revelation reminds us of who is really fighting the battle and who really should be the one guiding us through it. And finally, who is really in control of all things concerning us.  

I get it, life is hard. It catches us off guard and we are left speechless and feeling ill-equipped to handle it, but even this is part of His divine plan to draw us in near to himself—to cling to His side and allow Him to be our primary source of strength. If we had all the answers and if we knew every little detail about the future then we wouldn’t need God. Right!?  

Our Challenge, Our Charge…

The even deeper challenge is in knowing the truth and then making that intentional choice of applying it to our lives. I don’t care who you are or how strong your faith is, we all succumb to the illusion and drift off the path from time to time. It is so easy to do when we are taught in today’s culture that you are the one in control of your life and you’ve got this—”You do you”, “Seize the day”, “Take the bull by the horns”. All the while, we forget that it isn’t about taking control it’s about releasing it—our agenda, our way, and our comforts. God has already done the work. He doesn’t need us to think of a way to do it better or a quicker way to get us there. We are right in the place that He would have us.   

It is my prayer for myself and all of you taking the time to read this that we would begin to allow God to transform our thinking. That we can realize that this place of contentment and peace isn’t a far-off destination. It is a place in the present—a place that you and I as believers in Christ Jesus don’t need to wait in line to get to or travel a great distance to get there. We are standing in it.  

Pray With Me: 

Father, We thank you for who you are! You have no limits. You have no constraints. All that you have promised us has already been completed! 

 Forgive us when we become entrapped in our humanness and forget that we don’t think and operate as you do. You don’t see the world through the same lens of time and space. Your ways are higher and your thoughts much deeper. We cannot begin to comprehend all that you have in store for us. Father, we release our control over to you. We admit that we are powerless apart from you. Our way and our thinking can’t even begin to scratch the surface of your plan and purpose—the path and pace at which you guide our steps.    

Father, transform our thinking and restore our vision to see the world and all your creation, including ourselves through your eyes. May you remind us that we can live in your final victory each day and that contentment and peace are a gift that you so freely give us.  

Thank you for this gracious gift! Thank you that you have not abandoned us, but have offered to carry us, strengthen us, and uphold us! We are so very grateful for the sacrifice that your son Jesus made for us when He died on the cross for our sins. We give you all the praise and glory for your love and mercy and that you have given us victory over this present darkness through the power of your Resurrection! Thank you for all you have done that we have yet to see unfold!  

We wait with expectancy knowing He who calls us is faithful and He also will bring it to pass.

In the precious name of Jesus we pray,


