Posted on January 3, 2025 Happy New Year!
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As a kid l always grew excited on New Year’s Eve knowing I would get to stay up till midnight, as long as I didn’t accidentally fall asleep first. When they show the ball drop in New York on tv it’s always with a sense of optimism and joy, with cheering and singing. We join to that optimism our own personal expectations like exercising more (or at all, lol), eating healthier, reading more books, etc,. My resolutions typically don’t last more than a month however. For some of us, that optimism and joyful expectation has withered into cynicism or even depression. So rather than hinging our sense of optimism on short term resolutions that carry a high probability of failure, let’s shift our optimism onto something guaranteed, promised, and eternal.

Of course, I’m referring to Jesus’ return to raise us all from the dead and give us new bodies, to heal our broken and corrupt earth and give us a new kingdom, and His promise to dwell with us in it. This time when we celebrate the new year should be a reminder that Jesus will soon make all things new – forever. As I find hope in His promise to return and renew, I no longer become depressed or cynical about what I can or can’t change, or about how the coming year may or may not be an improvement on the previous one. I now have a continuous sense of optimism and expectation the whole year round, and I pray that all of you will share that expectation of Jesus’ return with us this


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