Posted on December 31, 2020 Happy Blessed 2021!
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Dear Beloved Friends,

Greetings in the name of our sweet and mighty Lord, Jesus Christ!

It’s the last day of the year 2020. Imagine, it seem like it was just yesterday when 2020 approached us; now, it’s count down to 2021. Who could imagine about all the things that happened this year? The covid-19 corona virus pandemic, the social unrest over the killing of George Floyd, the crazy presidential election! In the midst of all the craziness we could think it is very sad year; however, it’s also a time of gratitude because in the midst of all the craziness, God was and is still with us. That is gives us much to be thankful for! I praise God for His goodness and faithfulness in my life.

This morning, I read my last devotion of the year. There were a few powerful Words in the Book of Malachi that I reflected on. First is on Malachi 3:2 “For He will be like a blazing fire that refines metal or like a strong soap that whitens clothes.” Would you allow God to refine you? I thought if God will refine me with a strong soap, I wish He would use soap with a scent of lavender! ☺ Seriously speaking, my everyday prayer is that God will never quit shaping me and molding me. The second verse that speaks to me was Malachi 3:6-7 “I am the Lord, and I do not change. That is why you descendants of Jacob are not already completely destroyed. Ever since the days of your ancestors, you have scorned my laws and failed to obey them. Now return to me, and I will return to you,” says the Lord Almighty.” Isn’t amazing that we serve a God that does not change? He has shown so much compassion over and over again to the Israelites in the Old Testament. And He continues to show so much compassion to us today over and over again. God loves us so much that He even sent His only Son, Jesus to redeemed us from our sins (John 3:16).

As we are approaching 2021, we can hope for the best. Hope in Christ! Let’s go back to the manger because the manger has never been emptied of its power and meaning, and never will be. It’s the place where God’s life and our life meet and intersect. It’s the place where our lives are fed and sustained in the midst of and sometimes in spite of our life’s circumstances. Beloved friends, count your blessings and hold on to your faith in Jesus. Your faith in Him will activate His power in your lives.

For 2021, my prayer for you and your love ones is that a supernatural harvest of blessing. May it will spring forth in your life and ministry in ways you’ve never imagined. I pray that the Lord will open the windows of heaven and pour out His abundance on you. I pray for healing, greater strength, wisdom, and understanding in every area of your life. May you hear God’s voice and fill your heart with His Presence. I declare His favor over you at home, at work, and everywhere you go. I declare that His peace and joy will surround you. May you have greater dreams and visions for your future, and greater influence on those around you for the cause of Christ. May you walk in the fear of the Lord. May His light shine upon you and light the path before you. I pray for good relationships with people in your life; and for those who are still waiting for someone special in your life, I declare His favor over you and lead you the person He molded just for you. May He encourage you with His love, amaze you with His grace, overwhelm you with His mercy and comfort you with His compassion. May everything you set your hand to this New Year prosper and succeed for your good and His glory. I lift up this prayer and declarations to the most precious and mighty Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Your prayers are bringing God’s goodness on this wonderful adventure. Thank you! Please continue praying.

Thank you so much for your prayers, your love, and financial support. May God abundantly bless you and keep you as we journey together for the advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Happy Blessed New Year!

Yours in Christ,


I am excited to share with you, I will be having my Commissioning Service on February 14, 2021 at 3:00 pm MST. It will be at First Baptist Church – Billings, MT. It will also be on live-stream. More details to come later.