Posted on December 29, 2017 Handprints and footprints Continues
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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ:

We send you greetings from the Dominican Republic. Our time in the US and Puerto Rico was spent meeting many of you and greeting some of our friends. We thank you for your hospitality to us while we visited with you. 

Recently Rev. Gregg Sneller from International Ministries visited us here in the Dominican Republic. We were able to show him the many aspects of the work going on here and the dreams we have for future work. He sent a letter that offers a view of the many opportunities for short term Missionaries and longer term Missionaries who have a desire to come and be the hands and feet of Jesus. He has given us permission to use his letter to inform you and we thank him.

The DR is a land of great opportunity in which to learn about a church that is committed to serving and caring for people. What may be lacking in resources is greatly overshadowed by a people committed to serving as the hands, feet and heart of Christ. These people truly know that “Christ lives in them.” With the gift of Christ’s presence, the church is outward focused with great vision. While visiting, you might hear that a group or individual can come and …

… a church can be built and new life in Christ will be shared
… a simple 2 room building can be constructed, then government will then provide the teachers and food for a lunch program at the school
… they can assist in building a home for elderly sugar cane workers who can no longer work and are therefore asked to leave the sugar cane plantations where they have lived and worked most of their lives
… a bio-sand filter can be installed that will aid in getting clean water to everyone who lives around the church or home where it’s installed
… a house can be built for a woman and her children whose home is falling down
… a clinic can be constructed that will aid in meeting health needs of the community
… a church can finally have a bathroom after being here for many years
… they can work together to finish a school that will touch the community with good education and change lives forever
… teachers can be trained and lives will be changed forever
… Jesus can be shared with children and adults through educational opportunities which includes English language instruction
… pastors can be trained
… a community center can be built where the Haitian population can receive prayer, passport and immigration services, economic, psychological, emotional, and spiritual help
… be part of a radio station by listening to where nightly from 6-8 pm the programs are part of our mission work
… God will be at work and the world God has entrusted to us will be a better place as the love of Jesus is shared

The people of DR are ready for guests to come and serve and to be the hands, feet and heart of Jesus Christ. The people here are eager to meet you, to work alongside you while singing, teasing, sweating and sharing a common life in Jesus Christ. As you come, you will bring hope to a people that often feel forgotten because of deep systemic issues. When you arrive, you create a partnership in Christ that reminds them they are loved. Would it be better to stay home and send money? Definitely not!! If you are able to work, to be present with the people here and want to have your life forever changed by the people of this land, you need to come. You will witness their persistent faith in God who has met them over and over again despite tremendously difficult circumstances. These people are ready for short term and longer term partnerships. Do not allow your perceived lack of skills keep you from coming. If God is leading, God will have a place and ministry for you while here. Contact us and we will assist you in exploring if this is a place for you to come and serve.

In Christ,
Vital and Ketly Pierre