Posted on August 20, 2020 Haiti Covid-19 Update
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. Many people are calling us to ask where our beloved country, Haiti, stands with Corona virus. According to the information I have this morning, Haiti has officially 690 suspected cases. 72 confirmed cases and 5 dead. Out of the 72 confirmed cases, 62.5 % are men and 37.5 % are women.  47 imported cases and 25 community cases or transmitted ones.

We praise God that so far the numbers are not scary yet. However, we know for sure that our country does not have an adequate medical infrastructure to accurately test everybody to know who has and who has not. Roads are another determining factor. We do not have reliable roads that can help the medical agents to reach all over testing people.  Appropriate medical equipment is another issue in our country. Yet there has been a great deal of mistrust between the population and what authorities are asking people to do in term of social distancing, wearing protective masks (if one can find it) and the gathering of many people. This comes to survival issue.

As I have said it over and over, let us all be praying that a solution can be find soon. Otherwise many people will perish in our poor nations.

In Haiti.

Nzunga & Kihomi

Not much to say that has not been said.  Pray for Haiti and all the poor countries.