Posted on July 24, 2021 GRReat Visits!
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It is a great joy to visit the churches that support us.

When we are in the US, we visit our partnering churches, giving reports about what we’ve been doing in Hungary and across Central Europe. It’s a great opportunity for church members to have a clear picture of how their mission funds are used. It’s also a time of reflection and even healing for us. Working cross-culturally and serving in places of dire need can be stressful and heart-breaking; when we tell our stories to our brothers and sisters in Christ in America, those who have sent us to do this work, we feel affirmed and encouraged to go for the next round.

We drive up and down the Illinois and Missouri interstates, meeting old friends and making new. In the American Baptist Churches of the USA, several states are usually linked together to form “regions.” Missouri and Illinois form the Great Rivers Region, and that’s where most of our donors come from. It’s a very mission-minded, GRReat region to be part of!


Rev. Pat and Helen Murphy from Mahomet

We experience the generosity of these church families, as they bless us with hospitality and commission us to continue in every good work.

What a thrill to pull up and see our names on the marquee!

FBC Ottawa

It’s so comforting to sing familiar hymns, “They Will Know We Are Christians,” “His Eye Is on the Sparrow,” and to see VBS (Vacation Bible School) decorations!

FBC Murphysboro


FBC Murphysboro

FBC Highland

FBC Mattoon

It’s so good to be prayed for, to hear blessings and benedictions, to join our church families as they pray for their members who are sick and experiencing sorrow.

As we share about our struggles through COVID, heads nod. Every community has experienced loss, frustration, and change. Every church has felt the pain of quarantine and isolation, and every church has felt the joy of reopening, seeing one another again in person, worshiping as one.

It’s so good to worship, not just in one church, but to get just a tiny glimpse of the larger family of God. It’s our honor and joy to represent the American Baptist churches.

If you’d like to see more pictures from our travels, please like and follow our Facebook page,

Thanks for reading!