Posted on June 4, 2024 Greetings from Liberia: Empowering Lives Through Transformation in Liberia
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I left the U.S.A. on a COLD, snowy day heading to Liberia. And guess what?  I found summer in Liberia. The 90-degree weather was a very warm welcome. Anybody who knows me well, knows I was very happy and loved every bit of the sunshine.

I visited IM partners with clinics but predominantly worked at Ricks Institute at the newly-renovated clinic that serves the school population and the surrounding community. I was blessed to travel with another missionary who worked on education while I worked on health. Our time in Liberia was productive and spiritually uplifting. We attended daily chapel services and Sunday worship services. We also visited John F. Kennedy Hospital, the largest government hospital. We learned the needs are great, and the care provided by the local clinics is critical. Malaria diagnosis and treatment, Infant vaccinations, and traumatic accidents are health concerns that the Ricks Clinic staff provides care for daily.

My greatest prayer was my desire to establish a good collegial working rapport with the team. God was both gracious and generous in answering my prayer. I was able to observe, provide consultation, and identify the assets with the community. Being careful not to make promises or create dependency, my goal was to empower and encourage the staff to identify and build on existing community strengths. For example, Malaria remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in Liberia, especially for children. We identified two projects that we felt we could begin work on immediately: a Malaria awareness campaign and a “Pink Room” for menstruation health and hygiene.



More About The Projects

The school has a health and wellness club made up of high school students – a student news group that informs the school population of activities, events, and local Liberian news during their daily chapel time. Based on these identified assets in their community, we chose our two projects. Upon hearing about these two initiatives, the students eagerly agreed to participate. We believe these two projects are an absolute win for the school community and the surrounding community, especially where Malaria is concerned. The clinic staff tests and treats approximately 80-100 cases a month. The patients are all ages, including babies. Watch the video to see more of what I experienced in the wellness center. 

The pink room will establish a safe place for young ladies to address menstrual concerns with dignity. Menstruation is still a taboo and forbidden subject in Liberia. There is often shame associated with attempting to obtain menstruation supplies. This has an impact on whether or not a young woman can participate in school and receive an education. This is a problem that the former first lady, Clar Marie Weah, identified with and initiated the “She’s You Menstrual & Personal Hygiene” initiative that opened conversations with the goal of decreasing the number of school days lost due to menstruation. In conversation with another IM partner who has a Pink Room, this is both an education and a health issue. It was shared that the supplies available are substandard, leading to rashes and infections.

Interested in Supporting These Projects?

If this project interests you, please know we plan to develop a process for inviting churches to participate in providing supplies for our Pink Room. Stay tuned for an update, and please share this newsletter with anyone you think might be interested in supporting thes project. Your monetary donations will also go towards supporting my work in Liberia.




The Pink Room will establish a safe place for young ladies to address menstrual concerns with dignity.

O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
for his steadfast love endures forever.
 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
Psalm 107:1-2a

Support Our Mission In 2024

I am reaching out to you with a heartfelt appeal on behalf of our mission work in Hungary and Liberia. As we strive to fulfill God’s calling to serve and uplift communities, as with any noble endeavor, our mission requires financial support to continue and expand. That’s why we are reaching out to generous souls like you who share our vision for a better world.

I must raise 100% of my needed funds to continue the important work that God has called me to do. Despite the generosity of those who have joined us this year, rising costs have made it difficult to meet our Personal Support Goal (P.S.G.) and monthly budget.

To meet the needs of the children and families we serve, I need to raise $4500 per month. This support is crucial for sustaining our ongoing projects in Hungary and initiating these new projects in Liberia. Specifically, your donation will contribute towards bringing technology into classrooms for children with special needs in Hungary and kick-starting these two vital initiatives in Liberia in 2024.

I invite you to consider becoming a sustainer and contributing towards this urgent financial goal. Your monthly donation will make a significant impact, whether it’s $16, $50, or $100. Every dollar matters and will directly support our mission to bring hope, wellness, education, and transformation to those in need.

Together, we can continue to spread God’s love and blessings to communities in Hungary, Liberia, and beyond.

























Thank you for considering this urgent request and for your continued prayers and support. May God bless you abundantly as you bless others. Together, we are truly making a difference on multiple continents.

Serving with God’s gifts, grace and strength,

This ministry is supported by prayers and financial donations. If you would like to be a sustaining partner by giving a monthly gift please visit my page on

You can also call our Donor services office: 610-768-2323
or mail a check to our mailing address.
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International Ministries
11003 W. 9th Ave
King of Prussia, Pa 19406

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