Posted on April 5, 2023 Going to Haiti update #3
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. We are now measuring the depth of danger we were risking by going to Haiti at this time. Here are some observations.

When we were there, we did what we know best.  We went not because we wanted to go but we did go because we felt that God needed us there at  that time.  We do not regret a moment. 25 years in Haiti now, Haiti is home for us.

Haiti is in need of RAIN and many big rains. People have not been able to grow anything.

With no rain and not much water in the pumps, many diseases risk to start popping up here and there.

Haiti is in need of security.

Haiti is in need of FOOD. People are suffering of hunger. Many families are unable to adequately feed their children.

The prices of goods that can be seen on the market have gone way high that it is impossible for the common folks to afford.

We got news that COWS have started dying for lack of food and water.

Let us pray.

Yours in DR

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Supporters,

The news from Haiti continues to get worse with every report.  An article I read yesterday was very depressing.  The gangs have taken over most of Port au Prince and the killing/kidnapping has increased.   I was very worried about Nzunga and Kihomi returning to their old home and the eye clinic.  Now I learn that Nzunga traveled all over inspecting pumps.  He is unstoppable.

As long as the world is worried about nuclear war there won’t be much interest in helping Haiti, I fear.   Pray.




Dennis Shewell and the MPT team