Posted on April 5, 2023 Going to Haiti update #2
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greetings. We are now in day two in Haiti. How did we spend our time. Kihomi was meeting with ladies at our home. I was mostly gone all the four days we were in. Each day I would start by checking our water pumps to see the ones broken in need of repair and the one still working. Since all our water pumps are not in the same direction, if I start going to the X direction today, tomorrow I will go to the Y direction. In spite of my efforts, I did not have enough time to visit even one third of them.

Most of them are broken. Why?

Here are the reasons.

Since November it has not rained in the country, especially in the Northern part. The water bed has gone way, way down.

Many people have fled the violence and kidnapping in the capital city and have found refuge in the cities and villages in the North. Thus, the northern population has significantly doubled or tripled forcing one pump to serve too many people at once.

Everybody fights for the last drop of water they can get for the day. Pumps are overused behind limit, no rest. They have served their time and are now giving up.

After the deadly earthquake of 2010, we had cholera outbreak. Nobody knows for sure what is coming next with not enough water for everybody, hot, humid and  dust all over.

Yours in DR,

Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear Supporters,

I went to Haiti many years ago to try out a new pump and to try to hand drill a well.  A Catholic NGO has drilled most of the wells in Haiti.  They told us keeping them repaired was a 24/7 job even before the current problems.  Any group with the knowledge and equipment to fix them could have a full time ministry that would be a blessing to the people of Haiti.  When the pump doesn’t work, they go to the polluted river where disease waits.

In His Name,


Denny Shewell and he MPT Team