Posted on February 28, 2021 God’s Writing Another Beautiful Chapter
[pie chart]71%Support Pledged

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

My heart is full. I am praising God for what He has done in my life. It’s been a little over a week now that I’ve been commissioned as a fully pledged Missionary/Global Servant, to serve alongside American Baptist Foreign Mission Society / International Ministries (ABFMS / IM) in Mexico. Walking with God will indeed take you to amazing places—but it may not be where you thought you wanted to go, and the road might not be easy.

Twenty years ago, I was sworn into the US Army; When I was medically discharged, I felt lost. I didn’t know what the future held for me. It wasn’t my plan; However, God had a better plan for my life. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I wouldn’t be the person I am without life’s ups-and-downs. Many people contributed to my character growth and played starring roles in life’s drama. I thank God for their influence in my life for better and for worse. I thank God for using the people in my life to help shape and mold me for my calling. I am humbled and amazed by God’s faithfulness.

My story isn’t over. Now, I am facing a new chapter in my life. I am taking God’s hand, and I’m holding on tight… once again, the journey is accelerating. If you’re praying for me or you’re one of my faithful financial partners, you’re going along for a wonderful adventure. I can’t tell you if the road ahead of us will be smooth or bumpy, but in my experience, the One Who holds our future will never leave us nor forsake us. I can assure you, He is already ahead of us, and He will be with us, and in us. I cannot do this journey alone, I pray you will stay with me throughout this journey. Thank you for your prayers and for your financial support. I pray that God will continue to bless you and keep you as we serve Him together.


I will be going to language school to learn Spanish in Mexico. The program will take eight months, possibly to a year. I should be leaving in mid-April of this year. But before that, I have one last training I needed to accomplish and I’m scheduled for physical exam.

Your prayers are bringing God’s goodness on this wonderful adventure. Thank you! Please continue praying for me and my ministry as I pray for you.

· Please pray for Mexico and our MTS students and professors.

· Please keep me in your prayers as I prepare for my departure.

· Please pray for my parents’ and grandmother’s health and prepare their heart for my departure.

· Please pray for my last training to go well (March 16-18).

· Please pray that I get my medical clearance signed off with no problem.

· Please pray that my funding stays at 100%. God is good!!!

· Please pray for the school/people I will be encountering during my language school.

As I share with you my life’s journey, I would love to hear yours. And I’ve been praying for you. If you have any specific prayer you would like me to pray, please feel free to email me. Be blessed!

Yours in Christ,
