I lift my eyes to the mountains — where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth. ~Psalm 121:1-2
Everywhere I looked there were mountains and the verses of Psalm 121 came to my lips. These verses remind me of God’s faithfulness in my journey thus far. God has been faithful, God has been good, and God is God. These three truths have been apparent this year of building my network of financial partners and prayer partners! I have finished my last pre-field training at Mission Training International (MTI)! My time at MTI was a great growing experience for me and I learned great techniques to learn a different language, to say good goodbyes, and to transition well into cross cultural ministry.
Many evenings a group of us would walk the trail near campus. I loved these walks to be outside and see God’s beauty all around me. We processed together what we learned that day and had meaningful conversations about life and future ministries. This last month MTI was my home and I was with forty missionaries and twenty-five missionary kids (4 months-17 years old) headed to serve in Europe, Asia, and Africa. There was only three of us headed to Latin America. As a group we grew really close over the month and our goodbyes were quite difficult and filled with hugs and tears.
God opened doors for me to share my story a couple Sundays at churches within the American Baptist Churches of the Rocky Mountain region. I was honored to share how God is calling me to Bolivia and what God is doing through the ministries of House of Hope! I enjoyed worshiping and fellowshipping around the table with folks from First Baptist Churches of Simla, Longmont, and Colorado Springs. I enjoyed getting to know regional staff and their spouses around tables eating delicious food. I’m very thankful to have new partner churches and individuals in Colorado! Also, I was able to connect with old friends that moved from Olympia and live in Colorado Springs and Denver!
Thank you for praying for me and giving regularly to my ministry! Your support is enabling me to be well prepared to serve God in Bolivia! I can’t believe that this training has come and gone. That means I’m very close to being able to be commissioned and move to Bolivia!
Together in God’s mission,
Learning methods to learn a new language. I’m excited to use these tools to help me learn an indigenous language of Bolivia!
The breathtaking view of a beautiful double rainbow after a storm at MTI!
Learning how to enter well into another culture through playing a game called Four Culture.
I met ABC of the Rocky Mountains Exec. Minister Steve Van Ostran, his wife Debbie, and their friends Tom and Monica for a delicious brunch.