Posted on July 24, 2020 God is Doing a New Thing!
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Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.  See, I am doing a new thing!  Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”  Isaiah 43: 18 – 19a (NIV)  

Several months ago we reported that the Community Center in La Romana, Dominican Republic, was being used as a food distribution site during the pandemic.  Not only did many hungry Haitian families within the Alliance of Baptist Churches receive food, but also many neighbors in the area surrounding the center were given food.  What an impact this ministry has had!  On the first Sunday when in-person services were held at the Oasis Church at the Community Center (pictured), there were 15 new attendees and 8 of those professed Christ as Lord and Savior.  Yes!  God is doing a new thing!”


Besides the distribution of rice, beans, and other essentials at the Community Center, the Baptist Alliance has also helped multiple families with rent assistance.  It has been a blessing to see the leaders of churches throughout La Romana find funds to assist those who have been without income for the past 4 months!  In the midst of covid-19 stresses, the Baptist Alliance has been an encouragement to those suffering.                                       God is alive and active.


As we look to the future, we pray that the ministries of the Community Center can be expanded.  We have dreams!  We believe God is going to do a new thing at the Community Center.  

Come dream with us as we seek to create:

*a gathering place for the elderly who live in the surrounding community.

*a playground in the yet-to-be-purchased land around the Community Center building.

*a community garden.


“Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”  

Please join us in praying and dreaming and creating.  

“See, I am doing a new thing!”