Posted on November 27, 2023 Giving Thanks
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Happy Thanksgiving!

One of the four groups of girls (faces are blurred to protect their identities).

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

Thank you for giving to International Ministries in support for our ministry. We wanted to share with you how your giving is making a difference in twenty five young girls lives in Oaxaca, Mexico through the Talita Cumi Girls Club program.

Sarah has had the opportunity to train and support program coordinators and mentors this last year online. Ten amazing sisters in Christ have been carrying out the program within Oaxaca.

Mentor Ivette shared with Sarah, “The girls have a blessing in my life. They are truly impacting my relationship with Christ. I mentor girls ages 10 to 12 years old. The club takes place in an orphanage in the city. The girls come to the orphanage because their families cannot care for them due to different circumstances; reasons due to poverty, illness, or death of the parents. I believe God is working in the lives of the girls because when I arrived almost a year ago, I saw a lot of blank gazes and their interaction with me was very cold. But over time little by little my relationship with them grew. The girls’ context is traumatic, they were rescued from abandonment and abuse. Through conversations we have been able to speak honestly with one another. The girls have been able to learn truth and more about who God is. They are searching for true answers, answers that help them process their pain and to bring comfort and hope. They long for acceptance and through the club they have learned how much God loves them. I wish I could say that there has been a lot of change, but I know that the journey is long. But I have hope and faith in God that their lives are in his hands.”

As you can see, God is not only changing the lives of girls but the mentors as well. We are blessed with inspiring women of faith who are walking alongside these girls. Clubs are not just clubs, but they are a safe harbor and a family. God has opened many hearts and together they are growing in their relationship with Christ. The girls’ lives are being transformed and are learning to map out a better future for their lives because of your ongoing financial support. Thank you for journeying with us as we train, equip, and empower local women to reach girls with God’s truth and love.

Above is a picture of mentor, Ivette and her girls from club. As you can see (even with faces blurred for their security)…relationships have grown through the power of the Holy Spirit and the love of Christ has been poured into their lives by God’s grace!

The finish product of one of the crafts.

One of the most treasured crafts is a picture frame with their friends from club.

Help us reach our pledged support goal of 100%!

Thank you for your prayers and ongoing support! We pray you have a wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. We will sure be enjoying our daughter’s first Thanksgiving as a family!

Together in God’s mission,

Luis and Sarah