Posted on November 23, 2017 Giving Thanks
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Happy Thanksgiving!! My heart is overwhelmed with gratitude as I write this letter to you. I pray that you find yourself around a table of delicious food with loved ones today.

I have much to be thankful for this year! I am very thankful for all of you! I know I can count on your prayers, encouragement, and your financial support so I can continue on this journey that God is calling me on. I praise God because of you and churches who give generously to my ministry in Bolivia.

Today I will be sitting around a large table at my mom’s house with my family. I’m looking forward to this day and will cherish it greatly because this might be my last Thanksgiving with my family for awhile since my goal is to be in Bolivia by October 2018.

Just wanted to share with you that Giving Tuesday is coming up on Tuesday, November 28, 2017. Give a gift to support the work that God is doing in Bolivia by following this link , this will direct you to my IM page where you can click the give button or call IM on Tuesday at 610-768-2323.

I am happy to report I am at 29% of my needed support to be commissioned for ministry.

Thank you for your prayers and your faithful giving!

Together in God’s mission,
