Posted on April 3, 2020 Full S.T.E.M Ahead South Africa Spring 2020 Lenten Word “Seek”
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Daisies in the Daytime

Daisies in the Evening


Spring and Lenten seasons are upon us my friends. It is a wonderful time to see flowers bloom in my garden. It is also a special time to reflect on the death, burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This Lenten season started for me with the word, “Seek”. God was calling me to seek His Face, seek His Kingdom more than I want anything else, and seek only the true love He can give to me. Matthew 6:33 (NLT), “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” When I put Him first, and let the Holy Spirit control my actions, thoughts and agenda, He will take care of my needs.

Now so close to Palm Sunday and Easter the Lenten word “Seek” God gave me has new meaning.  I, along with the rest of the world, am facing new uncertainties. I get distracted by seeking to read the news reports, following my Facebook feed, and talking about the politics of the day.  The scripture in Matthew is where God steps in and says, “Listen, do you see and hear what I am saying in Matthew 6:33? I rose from the grave to let you know that your life, as chaotic as it sometimes gets, the disappointments you face, the collapsed plans you made without consulting me is not the end of your story, it is just the beginning.”

Before the travel ban in California, I was able to travel to Northern California and connect with a few area churches in the ABCCPC Region. I was then headed to North Carolina to reconnect with some of the churches in ABCOTS Region. The event in North Carolina was cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. What a difference a few weeks made! My commissioning ceremony was postponed, long morning walks at the beach with my friends are now on hold and my daily routine is not so routine any longer. When will I be leaving for South Africa, to do your work at Teleios Christian School? What is the timeline now Lord? I just hear the word “Seek”. Jeremiah 29:13 (NASB) says, “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.” In God is where I am leaving my heart. He is teaching me to be quiet and listen. God has also brought more connection time with my family by using Google DUO to talk and see each other more than once a week.

In South Africa, schools are closed and there is a national “Shelter in Place” emergency law. This law is in place to stop the spread of COVID-19. Services offered to special needs children by Teleois Christian School is now being provided by the church associated with the school, Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church. King William’s Town is in a more rural area in South Africa, and the church is helping with services to those rural communities. I am currently in communication with Pastor Ruben and his wife, Patricia Ihlenfeldt, as to how I should pray for the school and church at this time. Some of the children are at home with parents who abuse drugs and alcohol, so this is an area of concern for the church. Teleios Christian School’s dedicated teachers and staff are looking for ways that they can help. The word the Lord says to me again is “Seek”. Hebrews 11:6 (NLT) says, “And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to Him must believe that God exists, and He rewards those who sincerely seek him.” Only having faith and seeking the Lord will I truly know how to move forward.

Partners and friends, the Lord has put it on my heart that I am always asking for you to pray for me and the ministry at Teleios Christion School in South Africa. Please let me know how I can specifically pray for you and your family. I would like to intercede, on your behalf to our God in Jesus Name. If you are a partner church or a small group, please let me know what are the prayer needs of your group.

These daisies are light sensitive. In sunlight they open their petals and when there is no sunlight the petals will close. Let us all continue to open our lives to the Light of God living on the inside of us, around us and above us. Our God will reveal and consume us the more we seek His face and His kingdom first.

God Bless

Faye Carol

Prayer Requests:

* Persons who do not have extended family relationships during this pandemic.

*The children at Teleios Christian School and their families.

*The ministry of letting Christ be known through Math and Science at Teleios Christian School.

*Our journey together, recognizing that God has brought us together in order to make a difference in the lives of children in South Africa and in your local area.

*Missionary families, especially those with children all over the globe.

*MPT (Missionary Partnership Team) Agape.

*Partners and friends specific prayer request.

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