Posted on May 20, 2020 Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa Spring 2020 -1 Be Still, Love In Practice, And Love In Sincerity
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Teleios Christian School Classroom

“Be still, love in practice, and love in sincerity” are words of truth God has been pouring into my spirit.  After eight weeks of California’s “Shelter in Place” Order, that is what I am finally doing. “Lord, I want to go out there and help. I will donate blood; I will volunteer to help at a food bank. I will …. I will.”  The Lord halted all my plans. When my appointment to give blood at the Red Cross was canceled, I finally said, “Lord what are you saying to me?”  The words “be still” came first. Then a few days ago His words, “Love in practice and Love in sincerity,” caused me to pause and be still.

I was looking at all the persons leaving their homes and not wearing face masks. The not wearing a face mask reminded me of my time as an Environmental and Safety Manager. The Lord showed me I was doing the same thing in my heart. I was going to wear my mask, but I was trying to have a legitimate reason to be out of my home. I was not being still. The Lord says in Psalm 46:10-11 “Be still and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress.”  Together, we honor God by being still and really listening to His voice and only His voice. For me being still will be learning the Xhosa language of the Eastern Cape now and later working with my tutor in King William’s Town, South Africa. Hearing the Lords voice will be essential when I am being pulled in many directions, but I must be still and know that He is God.

Recently someone told me that I was in a cult because I love Jesus, and as a scientist, I should know better. That is how the Lord showed me to love in practice and in sincerity. I John 3:18 (AMPC) says, “Little children, let us not love [merely] in theory or in speech, but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity).” The person said, “If God is Omnipotent, he would not need your worship, your sacrifice, or your money”. I truly love this person and I took the words they said to remind me that I did not choose God, He chose me and called me. I thanked and continue to love this person for reminding me of this important reality. The scripture I am sharing with you is the one I shared with this person. Psalm 139:23-24 (NLT) says, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”  Only the Lord can show me how to love the people of South Africa, especially the children, not just with my words but with my practice and my sincerity. I might not have recognized this truth if the Lord did not cause me to Be still, love in practice, and love in sincerity.

Pastor Ruben Ihlenfeldt of Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church and his wife Patricia let me know that Teleios Christian School will be closed at least until September 2020. The Teleios students and parents are working with school staff using work packets for continued learning. Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church is closed for gatherings and, also closed is the church’s Job Works Training Center for women. South Africa has closed its borders to international travelers. I am currently working with a South African Law firm to understand the visa process and to learn about my options. I can hear God’s voice, “Be still, love in practice, and love in sincerity.” Pray and listen to the Lord.

In June 2020 with all your continued giving and new partners fulfilling their pledges, we will be very close or at a 100% funded benchmark. Thank you for giving during this time when you, your friends and family might be struggling.  Thanks to those of you that have increased your pledges during this time. Again, I hear, “Be still, love in practice, and love in sincerity.”

In a few weeks MPT Agape’ will be sending a short video to all of you. It is a video for you to connect and learn more about me and the ministry in King William’s Town, South Africa. Please send in any questions you may want answered to my email address. We are trying to keep the video to 10-15 minutes.  I am sure we will have other videos. If I do not answer your questions on the first video I will do so on the next.  In everything I do, I will prayerfully remember to “be still, love in practice, and love in sincerity.”

The week of May 11, 2020, my family welcomed twin girls; two years of continued growth, answered prayers, and miraculous births. Also, during the week of May 11, 2020, Granny Almenya’s test results showed that her aneurysm decreased significantly from last year. God is so good.  So, no matter what you are going through during this time, hear God’s voice, “Be still, love in practice and love in sincerity.”

Thank you so much for keeping me in your prayers and may our Lord continue to bless you. Please stay safe.

Faye Yarbrough

International Ministries Global Servant – South Africa

Prayer Requests:

* The South African Volunteer Visa process.

* Persons who do not have extended family relationships during this pandemic.

*The children at Teleios Christian School and their families.

*The ministry of letting Christ be known through Math and Science at Teleios Christian School.

*Our journey together, recognizing that God has brought us together in order to make a difference in the lives of children in South Africa and in your local community.

*Missionary families, especially those with children all over the globe.

*MPT (Missionary Partnership Team) Agape.

*Partners and friends specific prayer request.


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