Posted on August 17, 2022 Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa- Newsletter June – July 2022 – Do Not Become Weary
Standing on the ground of slave castle in Ghana
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Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa

June – July 2022

Do Not Become Weary

Galatians 6:9 NLT – “So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”


Dear Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners,

The third school term started July 19, 2022 at Teleios Christian School. Wow, one more term and the school year will end. I can’t believe the school year is almost over. The school day is now extended by 45 minutes from 1:15 pm to 2:00 pm. Daily school starts at 8:00 am. I am now able to have longer tutoring sessions with my learners.  The mathematics after-school program now starts at 2:15 pm and concludes at 3:30 pm. In the after-school program, I am engaging the learners to don’t just look at the time as a time to do homework. I am giving additional reinforcement on each topic, more going to the classroom board for problem solving (they really enjoy this part) and using everyday life examples. God is really giving me new ways to present topics. God is also giving me insights into how to group students (no more than 2) or stickily one-on-one. Some of my learners will do better once their reading skills are improved. We are working on recognizing the English word in their math book and workbook.

Thank you always for your emails with encouraging words, your prayers, your cards, and the messages I receive from my Mission Partnership Team (MPT) members. I must tell you there are days when I come home very tired, but your prayers and encouragement from the Lord helps me to remember Galatians 6:9. I do get tired and discouraged, but the Lord sends a word from Pastor Alvin Tunstill Jr., (my home church pastor), Pastor Sam and Pastor Ken (Pastors on my MPT) and many of my partner churches’ online services to encourage me. Your prayer are truly helping bring down strongholds and lift this daughter of God.

Thanks so much for your continued financial support. You are truly helping to make a difference in the lives of the children at Teleios Christian School and in my life. You are Kingdom building, not in mortar and stones, but in body and spirit. Thanks to many of you who have increased your financial giving. I know it is truly a sacrifice in these challenging times.

Special Prayer Request: Please pray Galatians 6:9 over the Teleios Christian School Teaching Staff. The faculty require Special Needs Teacher training. If you are interested in doing some training modules, please email me.

June Highlights

(1) Exam Invigilator/Proctor for the June Mid-term exams at Teleios Christian School.

(2) Visited Zeleni Zion Reformed Church in Mbaxa, a small village outside of Qonce (King William’s Town).

(3) Bethany Emmanuel Holiday Club, similar to Vacation Bible School (VBS) in USA. The theme was “Incredible Me”. I presented on missions. I shared my call story to missions. Global Servants Stacy Reese (Dominican Republic) and Jae Stockton (Mexico) spoke to the children about accepting their call to missions at a young age via a pre-recorded video. I wish that I had more pictures, but we had a power outage some days and I had to use my cellphone as a hotspot for my laptop.

July – August 12, 2022 Highlights

(1) Vacation in Ghana – An adventure with friend and colleague Rovaughna Richardson using public transportation, meeting beautiful people, visiting beautiful sites, and seeing historical landmarks where my African ancestors most likely left in slave ships and were brought to Guyana.


(2) Participated in Esteem Resources Africa Workshop for the young women of Sowing Empowered Women (S.E.W.) Program.  My presentation topic: Making A Budget

(3) Teleios Christian School Amathole Museum Trip

Praise Report (Giving all glory to God):


Prayer Requests:

“Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela.” (Thank you very much, I am grateful)

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

 Qonce, South Africa

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