Posted on February 6, 2022 Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa January 2022 Back to School
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          Religion Class: Fifth Grade Learners

Dear Friends and Ministry Partners,

Teleios Christian School is back in session after the summer vacation. I hope you are all looking forward to what the new year, that God has allowed us to see, will bring. I am already seeing more and more of God’s plan unfolding for this year and the future each day. I am excited to see how the Lord will work through His ministry of math and science at Teleios Christian School.

Third Grade Learner practicing penmanship

Fourth Grade Learners getting their books










                        Tutoring Classroom


I am currently only working with the students who need help in math. I will also show you how they are using the laboratory supplies purchased last year in the science classes.  I mention in my Christmas Newsletter to pray for 16 learners. Now I am working with only 13 students on campus, and two students who did not return to Teleios. I was working with these students and parents before the end of the last year, and I will continue to support as needed.

I am getting use to my new schedule and all the children are eager to learn. I am asking God to show me how not to quench that spirit of learning they have right now. I know that I can do nothing  without the Lord and the fruit of the Holy Spirit must be seen daily in my life. The Lord loves each one of these 15 learners (numbers may increase) and His thoughts for them and myself are too numerous to count (Psalm 139:17)

        Teacher’s Meeting

I continue my Xhosa language study but more practical conversations once a week. I  make sure that I rest and exercise so that I take care of the body and mind that the Lord has given me. I am also learning more about the history of the area by visiting historic landmarks in Qonce, King Williams Town, South Africa

((L) Hogsback, South Africa – Madonna and Child Falls; (R) Steve Biko Center


Praise Report: (Thank You Lord!)

Prayer Requests:

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

King Williams Town, Qonce, South Africa

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