Posted on June 9, 2022 Full S.T.E.M Ahead – April – May 2022 My Guide, My Helper, My Comforter
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Full S.T.E.M. Ahead South Africa

April – May 2022

My Guide, My Helper, My Comforter

Acts 1:8 NLT – “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witness, telling people about me everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

John 15:26 NLT – “But I will send you the Advocate – the Spirit of Truth. He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.”


Dear Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners,

I am so sorry that you did not receive a newsletter from me since the beginning of April 2022. I am trying to adjust my schedule to the needs of students at Teleios Christian School. Thank you always for your emails with encouraging words, your cards and your passed-along messages to my Mission Partnership Team (MPT) members. Thank you for your many prayers and continued financial support.

In August 2019, members of my MPT, who are also members of the “Sunday Morning Kitchen Crew” gifted me with a handmade blanket with handmade embroidery. I always keep this blanket on my bed and use it on chilly nights. This blanket is a symbol of loving arms of family and friends surrounding me even though we are so far apart. It also reminds me that God sent me the only Guide, the only true helper, the only true friend, and the only Comforter I will ever need and want, in the person of the Holy Spirit.

I was looking for pictures of the day that I received my blanket. Holy Spirit guided me to some pictures of the children I now tutor.  Some were in Busy-Bee Pre- School, some were in third grade, and some were in fourth grade, when I visited Teleios Christian School in March 2018. As of January 2022, they are now in the third, fourth, seventh and eighth grade. The Holy Spirit just keeps whispering to me, “This is the vision and purpose God has given to you keep going.” Even when you are tired and cannot see much change, God is lighting the path and ordering all the steps.

In my prior career as a laboratory manager, I was using charts, data and statistical analysis to keep processes in control. Through statistical process control you were sure to produce a 99.999% quality product if the process was a six-sigma process. You were daily analyzing change or controlling change. God does not measure quality as the world measures quality. His quality is greater than100%. I am not trying to control change. Change is occurring through the working power of the Holy Spirit in and around God’s people. He alone gets the glory because he is Holy and created what He likes. He loves the children at Teleios Christian School more than I or them can even imagine. Hallelujah!!!

Special Prayer Request: Please pray for the learners at Teleios Christian School who are taking their Mid-Term Exams from June 6 – June 15, 2022.

April Highlights

(1) Celebrated my second Holy Week and Resurrection Sunday with Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church and with my next-door neighbor. Bethany Emmanuel Baptist Church made Easter Baskets for the sick and shut-in. (2) I attended a Sunday School teacher training class. (3) Participated on the Youth Friday Night Fellowship. It was the Friday before Good Friday. I helped the children with the aid of their regular youth leaders to understand Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and Resurrection Sunday. (4) Celebrated South Africa Freedom Day (the day South Africa held their first democratic elections) in South Africa’s beautiful Hogsback mountains with Pastor Ruben and Patricia Ihlenfeldt. (5) I started working in the classroom with the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade Teleios Christian School students on Tuesday and Thursdays during their math periods.

May Highlights

I attended the Baptist Union of Southern Africa Women’s Department Reload Conference. It was a beautiful conference. I met women from all over South Africa. The theme of the Conference was ”Stay Strong”.  Reload Conference was held at the Baptist Union Maranatha Retreat and Conference Center in Roodekrans, South Africa. Women’s President Mancy Magadlela, and Past President Juliana Dreyer encouraged and ministered the word of God to everyone each day with uplifting messages. I especially enjoyed the early morning prayer walks helping everyone to start the day by talking to Jesus. In 2018 on my vision trip I visited the retreat and conference center. I had a very quick tour from Pastor George. I know others on the trip will remember Pastor George.

Praise Report:


Prayer Requests:

“Enkosi kakhulu, ndiyabulela.” (Thank you very much, I am grateful)

God bless and keep you all,

Faye Carol

Global Servant

 Qonce, South Africa

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