Posted on October 17, 2023 From Hungary with Love
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We are so thankful for you! The apostle Paul says, “In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now.” Your partnership is one of our greatest blessings. 

We are also thankful for our partners in Hungary. At the beginning of our home assignment, one of our young Hungarian friends traveled with us to attend our daughter’s wedding. Her name is Kármen, and while she was here she wanted to serve among our churches. The opportunity came for her to volunteer as a camp counselor at the Lake Springfield Baptist Camp. Kármen shares her reflections and joy in the paragraphs below:

For a whole week I spent my time with 9-10 year-old girls. We played, sang, knitted and talked together because we all lived in the same cabin and also I was their counselor. It was a new and special experience for me because they looked up to me and were all curious about my opinion. When they had a fight, I helped them to make up or when they didn’t understand something from the message we talked about it. I was so happy that God used me in their life. They are all precious and loved.

The other main job I was doing in the camp was leading a small group. It wasn’t unfamiliar to me because in Hungary we do the same. We got to know each other on a deeper and a more serious level in these sessions. I was really grateful for every small group. Although it was sometimes difficult for them to open up since they are all so young and some of them had never been in a small group. I believe God worked in their hearts and they got closer to Him.

I can’t talk about the camp without mentioning the fun games we did! Whenever it was game time we all knew we were gonna laugh and do something fun and exciting. What I loved the most was the campfire we did almost every night. It was an experience with the kids I’ll never forget.

Kármen Vincze

The mission of Jesus is to everywhere and from everywhere. Thank you for joining us in God’s kingdom work in Hungary and here in the USA!