Posted on April 18, 2019 Forgiveness Advocate
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Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32.

Dear Loved Ones,

Greeting. In the photo you are looking at Mrs. Telusma Roseline. She holds a Bachelor and a Master degrees in Leadership Organization. She works in the administration of our university and since last year she assists me in teaching the freshmen class. Her husband, Dr. Henri Claude Telusma, was my second assistant I trained before going for his PH. D in France. I feel blessed to train the man and now his wife.

 Last December 2018, I ended up the session with forgiveness. Mrs. Roseline was touched and moved about the lecture and the response from some students who have bottled up their anger for so long, anger that they could not let go.

Since then she has decided to become the apostle of teaching forgiveness to women in different churches. This past Sunday April 14, 2019 she went to share her forgiveness message with women in a big church somewhere. She came back excited to tell me that the wife of the pastor of that church said: if there is one thing that will prevent me from going to heaven, it is forgiveness. I have a hard time forgiving even my own family members.  My heart is full of anger. I need help. God sent you here for me.

 Mrs.  Roseline wanted a copy of my book on “Hospital Ministry” where I have developed a chapter on forgiveness, to present as a gift to the wife of the pastor for her reading.

Mrs. Roseline can rightly be called the mother of students. She is aware of little details in our students’ life. She is very sensitive to their needs. In my twenty years on this campus, she is the only one to take her time to visit students outside of their dorm life and attends most of the funerals of those who lose loved ones. I have been blessed to work closely with her.

Thank you for standing with us in training the leaders of tomorrow in Haiti.

Happy Easter celebration to you all.

In Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi


Dear supporters,


This is the season of the greatest act of forgiveness ever, the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross.  Jesus commands us to be different than the world.  Turn the other cheek, love our enemies, forgive seventy times seventy, go the extra mile, etc.  We are not to be normal but stand out in the world as abnormal extra loving human beings.  It is very hard.  It is unnatural not to seek revenge.  Those who study churches tell us that the reason we are failing is because no one sees any difference in us vs. a non-Christian.  The thousands of denominations we have come from church splits.  I have lived in my little town of 5000 for 45 years.  I can name many new churches here that were started due to church fights.  Despite the fact we are all sinners should a church leader commit a sin publicly; it is off with his/her head.  David would not be allowed to lead a church in this era.  I think we need someone like Mrs. Roseline to specialize in forgiveness in our churches also.  I know I could use the reminder daily.


May this season of hope bring you closer to Him.


In Christ,


Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate