Posted on October 31, 2022 And the Journey Continues…
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Fall 2022 Newsletter

Beloved Family, Friends, and Ministry Partners,

Greetings in the name of our sweet Lord, Jesus from Mexicali, Mexico!

Glory to God in the highest!  Praising God for His goodness and faithfulness.  I am so happy and excited to share with you this chapter of my journey. As you read this newsletter, I hope and pray that you are well.  As for me, by the grace and faithfulness of God, I am doing well.


Just a short recap from my last newsletter.  I lost my doggy-Dori a few weeks before I finished language school.  I miss her so much!  Losing my doggy makes me so sad because she’s supposed to be with me here in Mexicali.  I finished language school in June, but right before I left Cacalote, Oaxaca, after my finals, I flew to Mexicali and visited the Seminary and had a meeting for preparations for my arrival in September.  From Mexicali, I flew back to Cacalote to pack my apartment then I flew home the last week of June.  After I arrived in Montana, three weeks later, my mom had a procedure done.  They implanted an ICD (Defibrillator) to monitor her heart’s rhythm and if her heart would stop beating, the defibrillator will activate. The procedure needed a six-week recovery.  I’m praising God, I was able to be there during mom’s procedure and helped her and dad during her recovery.  When I left, a physical therapist and a nurse comes to the house once a week to check on mom.  Mom is doing well right now.  Thanking you all for your prayers.


Finally, I am here in Mexicali!  Praising God for His plans in my life and for making it happened!  I arrived in Mexicali on September 1st.  My apartment wasn’t quite ready so, I wasn’t able to move in until two weeks later.  My apartment is in one of the dorms in the Seminary.  I have a two-room dorm with basically just four walls in each room.  The rooms were a blank canvas when I arrived, no shelving, no kitchen sink, no cabinets and closets, and no appliances; but now, after shopping for my basic needs, it looks and feels like a small cozy apartment.  I am thankful for the director of the Seminary (Pastor Gregorio Gamboa) and his family (they’re my next-door neighbor). He, his three sons and son-in-law are always there whenever I needed something.  I live on the second floor, and I got them to use their muscles to carry the furniture and appliances up to my apartment! 😊 And Pastor Gregorio isn’t just the pastor of his church and the director here in the Seminary, he is also a carpenter, the electrician, and the plumber here in the Seminary!   As I am writing this, God gave me a giggle and joy in my heart.  I’m sitting in my living room chair, and I noticed, my feet are almost occupying my kitchen space! 😊 (See photo below).  This is how small my apartment is.  So far, I love my home here in Mexicali.  I am content and happy that God provides.  I am blessed!








What else is Happening?

My first assignment is to help in the library.  There are tons of books that needed to be organized and cataloged.  Israel is showing me how to catalog.  After that is completed, I will also enter the collection in the computer to make it available for the students.  Israel had been working in the Seminary’s library since 2016.  My hope is to help update the library.  By the way, Israel is the Seminary director’s son and one of our MTS Program graduates in our Mexicali Cohort 2018 – He also teaches here in the Seminary.  During school days, I also sit-in in Israel or Tim’s class (Tim is a fellow Global Servant. He teaches here in the Seminary and in our MTS (Masters in Theological Studies) Program), I listen while they teach so that my ear will be attuned to how the Mexican students talk and pronounce the Spanish language.  I also joined the students during their lunch time and made conversation with them.  It is my way to practice my Spanish.  I have a long way to go.  I need some serious practice here!

Short Story

It is very quiet here in the Seminary when there are no classes.  One night, I was preparing my dinner and I was going to fry some Salmon.  I like to roll my fish in flour, eggs, and panko, but I didn’t have panko so, I just crushed a small amount of cereal.  Then I found out I didn’t have flour.  I thought, hey! I have a good excuse to use my Spanish… I went to my next-door neighbor… I knocked… and Israel opened the door… and I said (in Spanish), “Hola! Tienes harina?  Necesito harina para mi pescado. (Hi! Do you have flour?  I needed flour for my fish)”  He understood and said, “Si (Yes)”  I walked back home with a cup of flour and went ahead cooked my Salmon.  Salmon and with some steamed vegetables… I had a very good and delicious dinner!  I think, simple sentences are huge accomplishment, but it’s very humbling.  It brings joy when I’m able to communicate.  Learning a different language is not easy.

One day, back in Montana, I was in Hobby Lobby (Local craft store); I saw a decorative plaque that says something like “All I need is Coffee and Jesus”.  That is so true for me in the morning, but I need more of Jesus not only in the morning, I need Him every minute and every second of my day.  I think, being a single woman who can’t speak fluently the country’s language and living alone in this foreign land calls for courage.  That courage comes from my faith and holding unto Jesus, because not only does He gives me courage, but He also gives me joy, patience, and love for His beloved people.  Glory to God!

Your prayers are bringing God’s goodness on this wonderful adventure.  Thank you!


Praising God, I finished language school and made it home on time for my mom’s procedure.

Praising God for His healing!  My mom’s procedure and recovery went really well.  I’m very grateful for good friends stepping up to help my parents while I’m gone.

Praising God for His protections!  He brought me to Mexicali safe and sound.  And with all my travels, He is always before me and with me.  God’s amazing!!!

Praising God for His provisions!  God is meeting my personal and ministry needs through all of you, my faithful ministry partners.  Without you, I won’t be where I’m at.  God fulfilled His plan in my life through you.  Your prayers and financial support are appreciated.  Thank you for your partnership in the Gospel.

Praising God for all you prayer warriors!  God is faithful.  Your prayers are being answered.  I am well and I am here where He promised… WE are here!!!

Praising God for the privilege to serve Him and His faithfulness in my life.

Praising God for His ministry!  Here in the Seminary and the MTS Program.  I can’t wait to see what God will open up in the future.

Prayer Request

I would appreciate your continued prayers for my mom and dad.

Please continue praying for my health and my safety.  Also, that I may always be strong in my faith in God in all circumstances.

Please pray for my communications with people speaking the Spanish language that I may learn the language quickly.  And that I may have a good relationship and be a blessing with our ministry partners.

Please continue praying for the ministry, the students here in the Seminary and the MTS Program and our professors.

Please pray for my Area Director, Rev. Dr. Adalia Gutierrez-Lee, for good health and safe travels as she travels a lot and meets with church partners.

Please pray for International Ministries, for all staff who work in the background and for all Global Servants.

Please pray for my MPT and their family, as they serve God with me.

Please pray for new ministry partners, that people will step up to God’s calling with me.

I would also like to thank you for motivating me with your words of encouragement while I was in language school.  Even after language school, I’m still getting emails and texts from some of you.  I love hearing from you.  Thank you!  So much to be thankful for.  God is good!!!

Finally, I have a mailing address.  A lot of you have been asking for my mailing address.   Here it is:

P.O. Box 3695

Calexico, CA 92232

I look forward hearing from you all!  May God bless you and keep you.  Thank you for journeying with me!

Yours in Christ,