Faithful servant Debbie Mulneix will retire in October
Benjamin Chan
October 1, 2019
I am sad but also happy to announce the retirement of Debbie Mulneix effective October 31, 2019. Words cannot express my deep appreciation of Debbie’s commitment, flexibility and diligent ministry in various locations. We are also shopping and bargaining buddies. Debbie was denied of her entry of India a few years ago but her recent India e-visa was approved, and she attended the India Baptist Summit in October. GMT Vote: “With gratitude for her years of faithful service in India, Philippines and elsewhere in Asia, to accept the retirement of Debbie Mulneix from mission service, effective October 31, 2019.”
Debbie 4th from the left in black at the India Baptist Summit
Debbie and Ben visited the Philippines in 2013
Debbie and students of Woodstock School in 2008