Posted on June 5, 2018 Eye Clinic Disaster
Nzunga and Kihomi
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Dear Loved Ones,

Greetings. We at the eye clinic are praising God for sparing the lives of  some of our staff from a deadly car accident.

What went on?

We have planned this mobile clinic in Capotille. Capotille is about 80 Km from Cap-Haitian. It is located in the mountains difficult to reach sometimes. The road is hard, and the mountains make the driving difficult. People there have asked that we visit and help some of them.

We prayed for the trip and we planned for it.  We were all excited to go to those mountains to bring the good news by treating God’s poor people in their homes. The car stopped brusquely in the middle of the mountain and started rolling back. Before we knew it, the four wheels were upside down on the foothills of the mountains.

The four staff members got out fine beside some cuts here and there. The eye clinic doctor had to call his family member in Ouanimanthe to find a car and go pick up the staff to bring them to Ouanimanthe for a medical attention.

The situation could have been worse but God saved His servants. Now the eye clinic has no transportation of his own to continue going into villages to help people.

Thank you for your prayers. An accident like this one can only be spared by powerful payers and we always appreciate yours.

in Haiti,

Nzunga & Kihomi

Dear Friends,

Travel in Haiti is hard and dangerous.  There have been a few upgrades since the earthquake, such as the road to the DR from Cap-Haitian.  However, most are beyond description.  You just must see them to believe them.  One visitor remarked that the potholes have potholes.  Steep, rocky, flooded, muddy, narrow and absolutely no guard rails.  Most rivers and steams have to be forded.  I am surprised something like this has not happened before.  Praise God no one was seriously hurt but the car is totaled.  This will definitely put a damper on the eye clinics rural outreach program.   Please pray that God will provide a replacement somehow.


Thank you for caring.


In Him who loved us,

Denny Shewell – MPT Communications Advocate & Convener


Diana Peysha – Prayer Advocate

Terry Bivens – Missions Involvement Energizer

Les Roberson – Specific Needs Advocate

Charles Newman – Financial Advocate