Posted on December 31, 2020 End of the Year Update 2020
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What an adventure 2020 has been! We are so thankful to be back in Hungary and back to work.

School has been “normal” here in Hungary, open until a teacher or student catches the virus. When someone tests positive, a class or group of students is sent home for a week. Kids learn online if a class is sent home. We often had one of our own kids at home while I would be teaching half in-person and half-online. It’s been a crazy time, but we were able to complete the first term without ever going fully online.

Maggie and her friends with “Masks up! Maszkot fel!” as we say in Hungarian

When we first came back to Hungary in August, we were forced to quarantine, so we know how difficult and isolating it is—and we weren’t sick. As our teachers started catching the virus, Larry had the idea to have meals delivered to them. About 25% of our staff members have had the virus now. When someone tests positive, we arrange for a weeks’ worth (or more, depending on how long they are sick) of lunches to be delivered. The recipients have been so grateful, and really shocked. They ask why, ask how to repay us, and we tell them, thank God, it’s from Him and your brothers and sisters in America. It’s to say God loves you, he hasn’t forgotten you, and he’s here to help.

This has opened the door to share a book that really helped us: it’s called Coronavirus and Christ, written by John Piper. We read it back in March when it first was available on the Desiring God website, and I was so excited when I found they had it translated into several languages, including Hungarian! It’s a short book, only about 80 pages, so we had it printed at a local shop and I’ve given away about 25 copies. Please pray that they listen to the gospel truths in it. If you’d like to read it, here’s the link:

Meanwhile, Larry isn’t allowed to travel outside of Hungary because of the virus restrictions, but he was able to send Zoltán money for firewood.


Alex, the young man who had heart surgery last winter, receives wood for his family

Larry was also able to release OGHS funds for refugee relief to our partner Pixi with SOS Kladuša in Northern Bosnia. This just happened this week, so we don’t have pictures yet, but Pixi asked the most heart-warming question: can I also buy them some candy for New Year’s? Yes, Pixi. Please do.


Pictures from this article:

Please continue praying for all of these situations. Thank you again for your prayers and support.

Larry and Becky