Posted on April 13, 2020 During COVID-19, Education in Hungary Continues Online
[pie chart]72%Support Pledged

We cannot be with our students in person now, but we provide online classes during COVID-19.

Dear friends,

We are happy to announce we are starting a new White Cross Project for the school in Téglás!

Please click this link to read about the project:

White Cross is a way for the American Baptist Churches to give to mission projects around the world. We are honored to be part of this rich tradition, and we are praying your church will be led by the Spirit to give.

We are asking for approximately $5,000 a year for the next three years to help improve the quality of education in our bilingual program. Please click the link above for information about this giving opportunity.

Thank you so much for your on-going support and care for the children of Hungary!

Larry and Becky Stanton