Do you want to be a blessing?
I was getting ready for my trip to Brazil. This was going to be a long one. I had all my papers in order, my suitcase was ready to go but I was dreading this trip. Most people think that traveling to far off places is exotic but most of the time it is tiring, long and sitting in enclosed spaces for many hours. Once you arrive, you are in a strange bed and adapting to a different time zone and sometimes a different language.
It is at those times when I am traveling and weary that I am so grateful for my partners in other countries who try to make my stay a comfortable one. But I am even very grateful for my partners in our churches that receive me in their homes and provide food and friendship when I am traveling to share about my ministry. I’ve traveled through many regions and in each region, I am received with love, support and generosity.
From FBC Hamilton, NY
United Baptist Church Saco, ME
Camp Pathfinder, NYS
Our theme for the offering this year is “You are the salt of the earth”. The salt and light verses come right after the beatitudes which begin with the words Blessed are… In Spanish, those words are translated as dichosos serán which means happy are. Happy are the merciful, the meek, the peacemakers, those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, those who are pure in heart, those who are persecuted, the poor in spirit. Basically, happy are those that follow Jesus and live in a Christlike manner.
In my travels I have met many Christlike people and churches that strive to serve their communities (feeding the homeless, ministering to single mothers, advocating for the refugee and working alongside global servants amongst many other ministries). I want to thank all my supporters for their loving care.
You are indeed Salt of the earth!