Journals, Pray
Posted on December 8, 2022 Christ in all y’all…

Acts and Love in Action: BGsEtAl 2022Dec; Vol. XXIII Num. 6;
Christ in all y’all

As if those 5,104 miles in October weren’t enough, November piled up another 4,201 between 2,647 in Puerto Rico (air and land) and 1,554 for the Conference for Missionaries (CFM). What a treat to spend precious time with loved ones in our island on our second of 4 visits to them in this US/PR assignment and then in North Carolina where we had the blessing to share with colleagues from the office, from the field, from our board of directors, and special guests…

The theme verse for the week was Colossians 1.27 and as each devotion leader would share, in the end, we understood that “God wanted to make known among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, us, all y’all, that can truly be the hope of glory.” What a refreshing thought that none of us has to do this alone. We, thus, keep #respondingtogetherforgood in each of the countries and ministry priorities where He has called us to serve Him. And yet (to stay spiritually healthy), we are given permission (as needed), to rest and take time to untangle the stresses of life, family, and ministry, and at times, even not worry about timelines; even throughout this hectic US/PR assignment! His kairos is always better than our kronos… There would be too much to share about CFM, but what happens in CFM stays in CFM. So, that will suffice.

What we can share is that the second half of our US/PR assignment is ahead! Yes, California, Puerto Rico, Alabama, New England, Indiana (Greater Indianapolis), and Michigan are ahead of us. Yes, each month a different place. Your prayers are essential as we coordinate these visits, enjoy our time with our siblings, and our family remains healthy and cared for in Florida. Your interaction in our social media outlets is also vital to know you are with us as we journey. And, your ongoing (monthly) financial support is key in our getting closer to starting our next term of service on time, by July 1st, 2023! From 74% you’ve moved us up to 83%!!! THANKS SO MUCH… We continue to trust the Lord to provide 100% for our needs and expenses in ministry each month, as well as for each of our 118 fellow global servants. Need some ideas on when it is best to give toward our support? You can pick any day of the week as each one is meaningful based on the year 2000 when we were commissioned…

We started on Saturday, July 1st, and were commissioned on Friday, August 4th. We met on July 27th and Alberto’s birthday is on August 3rd  (both fell on a Thursday). Carlos’ birthday is on July 30th and our wedding anniversary is September 3rd (both fell on a Sunday). Mayra’s mom’s birthday (Hilda) is September 5th (fell on  a Tuesday) and Carolina’s birthday is September 11th (fell on a Monday). We arrived to Chile on September 13th (fell on a Wednesday). There you have it. Something meaningful for each day of the week. You can come up with your own meaningful day to give based on our dates or yours, and as you give, it will be a reminder of our being family to one another serving in Iberoamerica and the Caribbean through discipleship, peace and justice initiatives, and (hopefully again very soon) short-term missions…

As we continue making our rounds of visits (and sending videos or making Zoom calls where we will not be able to visit in person this time around), we also continue meeting every other week with the pastoral leadership in Chile in our online discipleship encounters. What a treasured time to share with these faithful servants who are committed to being His disciples, learning, living out, and teaching others His Word in their own places of service.

Be sure to stay tuned to our FB/Instagram pages and FB group and accompany us as we travel and reach our goals. We have already accrued 15,181 miles by air in 10 planes and by land, and slept in 25 beds in these 62 out of 184 days on this first half that we’ve been away from home!!! May this advent and Christmas season be joyful, meaningful, and peaceful for you and yours. We are ready to complete 2022 and see God at work in 2023 through Christ in you, us, all y’all, the hope of glory

Stretching further toward the goal “with all y’all”,
your BGs Et Al (

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Do you need to update any information of the credit/debit card or bank account you use for online or recurring gifts? Has your address or email address changed? Would you like to increase your monthly giving amount? You can do all of this through our website user portal…

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If you need to make any changes in your current support or would like to set up an account and need support, feel free to call (610) 768-2323 or send an email to: