A Brief Reflection: Memories & Hope
As 2019 comes to an end, we take time to reflect on all that this past year has held for our MVP family. Each year we are amazed by the extent of our reach and testimonies of all that we have accomplished. With humility we remember that we are God’s instruments, working with Him to bring the way of his Kingdom to our world.
Students during their last week of school
The blue and white flash of school uniforms running through the courtyard along with the screams and chatter of students playing at recess fill our memories. We can still see the sweat falling from their cheeks, their eyes full of questions, their deep belly laughs and shrieks of joy. Their world seems complete in this moment, without fear of the future, and with only fading memories of pain that are quickly forgotten with a recess game. As the bell rings at 11am, announcing the end of recess, students flood into the classroom like a swarm of bees filling the hive. They enter with curiosity, hopeful for the opportunity to dream and to discover a new world, a better world. A new world, where life is not interrupted by the pain and brokenness of violence or poverty. A new world, where they can all continue to smile, to play, to share, and to heal from their brokenness through the joy and laughter of a simple recess game.
MVP is an instrument used by God, a channel inspired by faith to help create a healthy environment for children and youth in El Salvador. We work to build a future where our students’ worries are replaced with the challenges of dreaming big and enjoying all that life offers. We plant the seeds of peace and harmony, watering and caring for the garden, building a community where every member becomes an artist creating his or her own story of flourishing. This garden becomes a community where peace and harmony rule so that together children and their family can dream without limits and enjoy life to the fullest.
Following the tradition of years past, we celebrated the end of 2019 with our Gala Dinner. Our Gala brings together all those who have, in some way, dreamed with our MVP family in El Salvador throughout the 2019 school year. Together with volunteers, pastors, community leaders, teachers, and family members we enjoyed God’s love expressed through our great MVP family as we gathered to fellowship and celebrate another year of ministry. During our Gala we also reflected together on God’s word, seeking hope and guidance for MVP in the year to come. See more pictures from our Gala Dinner on MVP’s Facebook Page.
Molly as MC
Eliberto reflecting on the parable of the seed
Enjoying family time during our December trip to El Salvador
We, Molly and Eliberto, had the privilege of traveling to El Salvador for the first two weeks of December this year. During our trip we accompanied our volunteers and MVP family in the end of the year celebrations and meetings, including our Gala Dinner, and enjoyed spending time with family and friends. We are extremely grateful for our partners in mission – for all the effort they put forth week after week in the schools, for their growing faith in God and the vision of MVP, and for the great love they show to the students throughout the entire year.
With each visit back home we feel an even greater desire to return to living permanently in El Salvador and working daily in this mission. While our work to raise support for this ministry is still great, we trust that God will put people in our paths who want to join us in this dream of transformation and peace for students and their communities in El Salvador. We invite you to dream with us and to become part of our team, where all members are “MVP”!
We enter this new year 2020 with optimism, believing that as partners with God in this mission we will reach many more students and witness the transformational power of the Gospel in the lives and communities of our Salvadoran neighbors. We hope you join us!
In peace, Eliberto & Molly