Pray for Debbie and Keith Myers training pastors and church leaders in Mexico.

Debbie and Keith provide pastoral accompaniment to the indigenous churches. This consists of training pastors, church leaders, youth leaders and teachers for the children.

Pray for Nora and Pieter Kalkman serving Christ in Europe and the Middle East by facilitating short-term mission opportunities.

Nora and Pieter are regional missionaries serving as coordinators of short-term mission (STM) with the European Baptist Federation.

Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, helping Christian workers and leaders deal constructively with conflict.

Dan works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations.

Pray for Rovaughna Richardson serving in Ghana to rescue and rehabilitate women who have been the victims of slavery

Rovaughna works at the Baptist Vocational Training Center (BVTC) in a ministry rescuing, rehabilitating and educating women who had been victims of the trokosi slavery system.

Pray for Anita and Rick Gutierrez serving the people of South Africa in Christ’s name by caring for their health needs through training and connection.

Drs. Anita and Rick Gutierrez serve in Durban, South Africa. They train and equip local churches, pastors and missionaries to combat life-style related diseases like HIV/AIDS, heart and artery disease, diabetes and malaria.

Pray for Lauran Bethell helping combat human trafficking globally.

Lauran’s main goal is to encourage new grassroots projects addressing the exploitation and abuse of women and children, many of whom are victims of trafficking.