Pray for Denise and Juan Aragon serving the rural, indigenous people of Mexico in the name of Christ.

Denise and Juan work in training, prevention and education as they learn the community needs and look for ways to emotionally and economically empower leaders in their communities.

Pray for Stan Slade, Global Consultant, helping Church leaders understand and communicate the truth of the Bible.

Stan is a teacher whose “classroom” might be located almost anywhere in the world. Whether leading a workshop for pastors with almost no formal schooling or serving as a Visiting …

Pray for Katherine and Wayne Niles preparing for an Ebola outbreak in the D.R. Congo as they serve in ministries of health and wholeness.

Wayne serves as a seconded missionary to Interchurch Medical Assistance in Democratic Republic of Congo. He is involved in full-time service with IMA/ECC affiliated health and development activities in Congo. …

Pray for Dan Buttry, Global Consultant for Peace and Justice, facing health challenges and helping equip believers to resolve conflicts and meet needs all over the world.

Dan works with International Ministries missionaries and national church partners around the world to deal constructively with conflict situations. These conflicts may be social and political conflicts within a country, …

Pray for Ann and Bill Clemmer serving Christ by providing health and education ministries to the people of the D.R. Congo and South Sudan.

Ann and Dr. Bill Clemmer currently reside in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on the Congo-Rwanda border and work with IM partners Heal Africa and IMA World Health in the …

Pray concerning an Ebola outbreak in the D.R. Congo as reported by Dr. Tim and Kathy Rice

In case you didn’t hear, there is an Ebola outbreak in DRC. Vanga is about 250 miles directly south of the outbreak. We have no suspected cases at this time.